Have I? haha
Nice to be nice I suppose.
Part prices I'm afraid I can't be of much help. First of all find your local VW parts dept and give them a call. For 6 months I had a fear of VW parts and the hassle but when you go once and get to know them they tend to give you discounts from there on.
Secondly, if you're not in a rush for brakes and go another few months (like me, my rears need to be changed in about 3 months or as soon as my pads wear) sign up to a newsletter from GSF or other car place of your pick. I say GSF because I use them a bit and they're great for putting promo codes out. Originally a UK based company that moved to Ireland.
Watch your emails from them like a hawk and as soon as you see a promo code snap up your full kit.
For example, use code BP2513 for 25% off all pads and shoes.
http://www.gsfcarparts.ie/parts/service-parts/brake-discs-padsI'd personally hold off for 25% off everything sale which they do every few months.
Pick the exact discs, pads, copper grease, brake fluid and tools that you need and save them to your wishlist in the favourites tab. Next time you get a discount code snap them all up and get fitting.
If you want the brake change guide I can email it to you. Really not a difficult task.