Well today I made a start on Plasti Dipping the wheels - unfortunately because I decided to run a half marathon this morning I only managed to get two of the four done!
Was remarkably easy to do and would recommend this product to anyone! I should get it finished tomorrow and transform the look of the car
Here are the pics of progress so far
PlastiDip Cans from eBay
Front wheel removed and washed - its not in a brilliant state and needs a refurb but I dont have the £300+ required at the moment!
Used a bit of junk mail to stop overspray on the tyres
I used a heatgun and a pan of boiling water on the paint as the ambient temp is pretty low here in Lincoln
Nice bit of white worm
Masked up the bolt holes and the valve cap
First light coat
Couple more
And fitted
Two down - two to go!!