Hi all,
Having just got my highline clocks in place, I'm now ready to install my MFSW and Kenwood DNX525DAB system, but am looking for some help with getting the cabling right. Don't want to have to do this more than once, as I have eff all time with the baby in the house!
Looking at the supplied cables below, am I right in thinking I will probably not need a CONNECTS2 or similar steering control adapter? These head units are designed for MFSW VWs, so I'm hoping it will all work together? Also, I guess I can ground the PRK SW cable to get video working on the move? With the Power Control, Remote Control and Mute wires, do these work with the MFSW then? How do I wire them in?
And finally, do I need to update my CAN Gateway? I have bought an updated one, but not sure if I need it.
PS, my MFSW setup will be: MFSW wheel with paddles and Star button, Control Module 1KO 953 549 G (currently 1K0 953 549 F), new airbag loom 1K0 971 584 C, new CAN Gateway 7N0 907 530 AN (currently 1K0 907 530 E)