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Author Topic: Few RNS510 Niggles  (Read 992 times)

Offline Betty02

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Few RNS510 Niggles
« on: October 20, 2014, 08:27:41 am »
Evening chaps, been a while since I've been on here but you chaps know best with this stuff.

So dads RNS510 in his Passat was bust kept boot looping so give it a hard reset and it asked for a software disc, so I went and got 4020(possibly 4020a) firmware, stuck it on, installed and all was good. Didn't ask for a map disc or anything and he only had V3 maps.

So got a copy of V10 maps, no DL disc so copied all to an SD card and installed the maps from there - Fantastic works a treat, stuck on 31% for about 30 minutes but then completed.

Now question is I totally forgot about Speed Cameras, is there a way to install these of the SD card without fully re-istalling his maps again? If so how and where is the best place to get them from (copy of the cameras)

Also he is poverty and only has an iPhone 4 but it says phone isn't compatible with his bluetooth - guessing he needs a newer module? Are these a straight swap plug and play? What's the best for him to get/ he has a 58 plate Passat Highline? It also doesn't seam to work with my iPhone 6 either, but it doesn't say phone isn't compatible like it does with his iPhone 4?

If anyone can help on any of the above that would be great!

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