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Massive Mods/Detailing Catalog

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WTF 90 mods!!!!

A big thank you to all that have added some great mods.
For someone like myself who is just getting started it will be a great resource.

Free two of a kind forum sticker for the 100th mod.

I've added a modification myself but every time I try to edit it, it gives an error message saying "Hacking attempt..."?


--- Quote from: th3_f15t on October 23, 2014, 06:23:04 pm ---I've added a modification myself but every time I try to edit it, it gives an error message saying "Hacking attempt..."?

--- End quote ---
very interesting i like the sound of that. i'm on it.

@th3_f15t can you tell me what you are trying to add just tested it and was able to edit it.


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