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Author Topic: Went through a red light..  (Read 3855 times)

Offline DDM

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Re: Went through a red light..
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2014, 09:03:35 am »
imo bud i'd have done the same thing and have done in the past, that's the whole idea of blues and sirens, it's to help the emergency services through built up areas and traffic ect. if you get fined for that i'll be surprised.

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Re: Went through a red light..
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2014, 10:55:28 pm »
Hey guys,

For those who are following this.. its now been 2 weeks since this happened and nothing through the post. However, at the time, we only had the car 8 days so not 100% sure if the DVLA had updated their records in time?

Probably give it another week until i start to relax!


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Re: Went through a red light..
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2014, 10:56:30 pm »
Id relax now mate....  :drinking:

Offline Tazgti5

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Re: Went through a red light..
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2014, 11:11:17 pm »
Don't worry you be fine
Even if it does come through, not the end of the world

Offline DMcG

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Re: Went through a red light..
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2014, 11:42:11 pm »
Your fine. You should have had a NIP by 14 days. Even if you did get one as long as you note date and time it would be fairly easy to tie in with the call they were en route to and presented with all that it would not be in the public interest to prosecute for the offence as it's a waste of money .

Offline jonnym

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Re: Went through a red light..
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2014, 08:51:21 pm »
Just my two pence worth;

You commit the offence by hitting or going over the solid white line. It is an absolute offence so you have no defence to it. People say it will be thrown out at court etc etc, but the courts will generally look at the facts, what is an offence and what is not, plus any exemptions or defences in law. The police themselves would most likely be there ones that exercise discretion and not pursue it. People have and still will be fined for it - as people have linked to. Generally only exception is where a police officer physically directs you through (this could be them getting out the car and asking you to move).

As someone who until last month played round on blue lights, "blue light bullying" is quite big on the training agenda, although some services seem to loose sight of it more than others. Blue lights are not a right to cut through traffic and do what you want (as you can still be prosecuted for careless driving etc, and the courts have already said blue light drivers are no different to the public when driving). Blue lights are merely an indication to other road users of their presence, and an invitation to give way. At a blocked junction, really emergency service drivers should leave space and turn sirens off and wait for the lights to turn green, then wait for space. Clearly this may not happen all the time (due to the circumstances of a call etc), and some may go into junction fast and bull horn everyone out the way! But that's how it's meant to happen, but there is definately too much "bullying".

« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 08:55:27 pm by jonnym »
@PSW - "Candy white ones are the nicest and fastest"