R32 bum frets my vote!

IMHO the R32 rear bumber lower section is much better aesthetically than the OEM Eddy one as its lines complement the side skirts perfectly. You don't need to have a R32 style exit zorst either, just swap out the R32 diffuser to a side exit one.
You options are many, a few...
1, Repair and keep as is, will look great.
2, Genuine or copy R32 lower bumber section with R32 diffuser and new R32 style cat back.
3, Genuine R32 lower bumber section with SRS Tec side exit diffuser for OEM exit, be it with your standard exhaust or a aftermarket one.
I already had a side exit BCS TBE so I just needed the rear assembly to mate to it for a R32 exit. You'll need a whole cat back which will join to your OEM downpipe no props with a supplied connector.
Mine, post #238.....
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