Are you still looking for some Helio's?
Unfortunately I can't afford wheels! Insurance was due on the 2nd of this month

Not much to update again, been too busy spending my pennies on silly things like clothes and Xbox's... As I replied above, my insurance was due this month so that set me back £618 rather than the quoted £584 because of my non-fault claim in August last year... A £34 increase for having someone run into the back of my car while I was in my work is just unfair

Although, £618 at the age of 21 on an edition 30 isn't really a figure I can complain about!
Secondly, I put my R32 brake calipers in for powdercoating which cost me £80 but it's an absolutely fantastic job!! Purchased new seals and a new pad retaining clip as one was missing and I thought I was good to go... Never even considered that the brake lines would be different! That's what I get for not doing any research

Thirdly, my air con doesn't work and it never has so Adam decided to have a look at my fuses to see if it was as simple as that (I think the compressor is goosed because that's the sort of luck I have) and managed to pull one for my airbags.. Hello little orange symbol on my dash! He contacted a guy with a cable to fit mines because he has a mk4 and it's a different cable, but anyway long story short: my light was soon back out and while I was there I bagged myself a generic remap for the cost of a bottle of irn-bru. The guy has a lovely mk6r he's tuned by himself to 360bhp.. Had a passenger run in that and I was impressed. Mines is definitely faster too now, I'm just sad I have no idea on power output.
Two days into giving my car death because it feels so beautifully fast and I have a dead coil :( Purchased R8 coils to replace mines because why not... Fitting them when I get home and I'm excited - I haven't been able to drive the car since Sunday!

Oh and I forgot, someone hit her while parked in a quiet car park three Sundays ago.. Marked the passenger side headlight, the wing and scuffed the bumper.. There is a special place in hell reserved for people that don't leave notes when they damage somebody elses car