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Author Topic: Finally found & cured my annoying rattle yippee !!!  (Read 776 times)

Offline Jakesangel

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Finally found & cured my annoying rattle yippee !!!
« on: October 27, 2014, 03:58:39 pm »
I just thought i'd share this with you guys in case if ever helps anyone out in the future.
so for well over a month now i've had a seriously annoying rattle coming from what seems like either somewhere inside the dash board or somewhere inside the engine on the drivers side. I thought i'd cured it when I found a thread on here about tightening up the screws on either side of the dash behind the panels as my screws were in fact loose. I tightened the up went for a drive but the noise was still there. Anyway it went into the mechanics at the weekend to get some bits and pieces done. I just thought I mention it to him as it was driving me insane. It turned out that inner wheel arch liner had come loose and was flapping about when I was driving. Problem cured and at no extra cost, what a touch. This might seem a bit anal to some of you (and perhaps maybe I am) but little things like that can really ruin my overall drive of the car but normal service has now been resumed thank God. As I say, hope it helps

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Re: Finally found & cured my annoying rattle yippee !!!
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2014, 05:23:06 pm »
This is handy to know as my car makes a rattle, which sounds like it's coming from the lower driver's door card/foot well. I shall be taking a screw driver out to my car this week and investigating...

Moving over to Flickr, sorry for the broken picture links!