General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Show Reviews


Here's a thought to be ignored for 3-4 months (with good reason)...

What about on the home page having a small section for show reviews, similar to Ride of the Week? And not just for big season shows, but for any smaller local meets and so on, provided there's some decent pictures and someone wants to write a bit of text to support it?

Maybe get a few people on here to be our "show reporters" to cover all the major ones but have anyone who attends local meets also contribute. Kind of gives a show review based more about the attitudes of the forum rather than what the magazines write? Could b good if there's people on here who are aspiring photographers or writers...

Reason it can be ignored for 3-4 months is there's no shows over the winter! :signLOL:

I attend most shows and cover them with photography so i can do that.
However my reviews will all be "sh*t" as I  hate the scene now.  :sick:

I'm hoping to attend most shows in the southern half of England next year, so will certainly offer up some words and leave the pictures to you. I know not everyone likes the "show scene" but least then for those that don't attend or buy magazines they can still get more exposure to what the latest trends and views are in the VW world, plus allows some of the lesser shows that magazines and bigger sites miss to get some awareness.


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