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Author Topic: Mk6 GTI DSG... clutch and brakes  (Read 943 times)

Offline lippyx

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Mk6 GTI DSG... clutch and brakes
« on: November 10, 2014, 08:26:39 am »
Hi all.

Car just had a major service (costing me over £300  :sad1: ), and they said the brakes are 60% worn. The brakes are now juddering when stopping (even lightly stopping) so they are obviously due fairly soon. I don't want to upgrade to a big brake conversion, but was thinking about putting something with more bite on, rather than the normal OEM. I was thinking EBC red stuff pads and dimple/slot discs all round??? Any more options out there?

Now the clutch... this may sound really dumb, but how do I know when the clutch is on its way out on a DSG box? Normally with a manual you can hear/feel it slip, would you notice this on a DSG too? I did notice last night when I got out of the car that "sweet" smell of burning clutch, and my heart sank, as I am guessing its not a couple of hundred pound job  :scared: .

Car is 2011 with 60k.

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Re: Mk6 GTI DSG... clutch and brakes
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2014, 09:33:15 am »
I think you will find that OEM pads will probably be your best bet if not upgrading anything else. with regard the clutch, would be surprised if it has gone with such low miles, had you been sitting in traffic with it in 'D' just before stopping ?
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Offline lippyx

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Re: Mk6 GTI DSG... clutch and brakes
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2014, 10:12:32 am »
I do approx. 50 miles a day to work and back (light motorway), but its not stop start, its fairly free moving, apart from the odd day.

2013 Golf R