Hi all.
Car just had a major service (costing me over £300

), and they said the brakes are 60% worn. The brakes are now juddering when stopping (even lightly stopping) so they are obviously due fairly soon. I don't want to upgrade to a big brake conversion, but was thinking about putting something with more bite on, rather than the normal OEM. I was thinking EBC red stuff pads and dimple/slot discs all round??? Any more options out there?
Now the clutch... this may sound really dumb, but how do I know when the clutch is on its way out on a DSG box? Normally with a manual you can hear/feel it slip, would you notice this on a DSG too? I did notice last night when I got out of the car that "sweet" smell of burning clutch, and my heart sank, as I am guessing its not a couple of hundred pound job

Car is 2011 with 60k.