another dyno run today as I tagged along at an R32OC meet.
Golf GTI Edition 30 APR Stage 1 : Shell Optimax fuel : 22k miles
27 deg C 1021 mb , 3 runs back to back
275@wheels (298@flywheel) 344 lbs/ft
279@wheels (296@flywheel) 333 lbs/ft
279@wheels (298@flywheel) 337 lbs/ft
slightly down from last time, but it was warmer.
I also have slightly reduced peak boost levels (1-2 psi down) so my DV may have started to go.
Good thing is that the pronounced torque peak is less so on these runs, and confirms that the way these are plotted and the dyno mode can and does influence the way it looks.

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Goi my car APR'd yesterday and cruise fitted with all of the programmes.
Very smooth and powefull but now need brakes and suspension!! Trackday looming at Combe.
I may have what feels like a bit of flat spot under load at around 4k not every time....needs investigating.....maybe map characteristic or injector fp etc but it;s a finiye issue.
Gotta get the best deal on KW's and proper brakes.