Hey guys, with winter fast approaching I have been looking some decent rubber mats. You may have seen that Monster Mats make some awesome rubber mats for the mk5 with the honeycomb design and the GTI logo. These have previously only been available for LHD but I have been in touch with Dave over at Torque Partz and he has sourced UK RHD versions of these mats in red, white and blue

*edit* **these are most likely copies and not OEM Monster Mats - I'm not trying to deceive anyone here! **
They are currently on the special offers page here
http://www.torquepartz.com/category/store/special-offers/ The pictures of the blue mats are the best, I know Dave uploaded these late last night. You can check out the pics of the LHD ones on ECS' site
http://www.ecstuning.com/Search/SiteSearch/Monster_Mats/ES2602945/Sets are limited for now. (4xred, 1xwhite, 1xblue). I haven't started a GB on these as Dave wants to see what the up-take is like first. He says more are available from the supplier if we are keen.
These are ROUND fitment only. They cannot have the fitting interchanged like some other mats. Oval fittings may be available in the future if these round ones sell.