Hi Everyone
As the Lowline/Midline to Highline cluster change is very common now, theres been a lot of new threads on this subject. I am making this guide to help anyone who may have questions about the upgrade.
Types of Clusters:Lowline - This cluster is basic level. It will only display the time, outside temerature, mileage and trip computer
These will come in part numbers ending 950,951,952,953,954

Midline - This cluster is advanced level, as well as the above it will display MPG, Average MPG, Miles till empty, Average Speed, time ignition on.
These will come in part numbers ending 960,961,962,963,964

Highline - This cluster is the expert level. As well as the above, it will show you an image of your car to show which doors are open, setup menu, Audio, navigation, phone.(Additional parts may be needed for eg RNS 510)
These will come in part numbers ending 970,971,972,973,974
Buying the right cluster:A lot of people get confused as to which cluster to buy. You can upgrade to any of the Highline Clusters, the way they are coded is different.
970,971 & 972 Clusters can be programmed using a VAG Commander Cable. These clusters are usually more expensive as you can buy the Vag Commander for under £20 and code it yourself.
973 and 974 clusters will need to be sent to a specialist. ( I reccommend Eddie-NL as he did mine and really knows his stuff) I have found these clusters are cheaper as you still have to pay to get these coded by a specialist.
Coding:To get the clusters to work in your car, you will first need to find out your cars SKC code. This can be found sometimes with a spare key you have a small tag with the number on it. If you dont then you can obtain this code using Vag Commander ** The Vag Commander Clone cable only works on MK5 clusters years 04 - mid 06. (Clocks ending in 950,951,952,960,961,962,970,971,972) **
If your clocks arent ending in those part numbers and you dont have your SKC code, you will need to refer to a specialist.
If you have your SKC code and have Highline clusters ending in 970,971 or 972 I would follow this guide to code them:
http://www.golfgtiforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=201776.0otherwise refer to a specialist.
MultiFunction Steering Wheel CompatabilityFor those who have multifunction steering wheels with the newer style buttons, I would suggest going for a 972/973/974 clusters, If you don't intend on purchasing a multifunction steering wheel then go for a 970/971 cluster which will allow you to access the highline menu using your wiper stalk rocker switch
FAQWIll a cluster from Petrol work in Diesel and vice versa?
Yes it will, however you have to make sure you keep in mind where your red line is, eg: If you put a set of GTI clusters into a TDI, the new clusters red line will be around the 8k mark and on a TDI it is 6k revs, so although your red line will show as 8k, your actual red line will be 6k.
I have a DSG transmission, do I need a specific cluster?
No, you can use any. The clusters will pick up from the car if it is DSG/Manual and change the display accordingly.
I have a set of highline clusters from the USA ending in 870,871,872,873,874. Will these work?
Yes, Although you will find that the temperature gauge will be in Fahrenheit. You can open the clusters and swap the foils around to UK ones which show Celsius.
I have fitted my cluster but the cant access the menu. What is wrong?
Press and hold the "up" position on your rocker switch for a few seconds. If that doesn't show the menu then check the part number. If you have a 972/973/974 cluster, then you may need to purchase a multifunction steering wheel to access the menu.
I have lowline clusters without a rocker switch, what do I do? what parts do I need?
Firstly you would need a new wiper stalk with the rocker switch,,a type 2 slip ring (part number ending in C), a new steering wheel control module (Midline or Highline) and the highline cluster. You would need someone with VCDS to code the new steering wheel control module.
If there are more questions, please ask and I will update this thread.
If I have made any errors in this guide, please let me know and I will correct them.