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Author Topic: HOW TO - Centre console USB port!  (Read 25772 times)

Offline NathED30

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HOW TO - Centre console USB port!
« on: December 04, 2014, 07:23:11 pm »
Right so as a few people have shown interest in this I thought I would write a how-to and list of parts needed. I did this mod as it annoys me having to have ashtray open all the time as I think it looks untidy, and looks pretty oem+ too!

Tools required:
Crimping tool/pliers
Wire strippers
Torx T15 & T20

Parts needed:

USB plug for mk5 golf -

USB adaptor -

(You can probably get the above parts slightly cheaper if you have a good mooch but these links are an example of the parts you need)

*Add a circuit piggy back fuse adaptor -

*Mini usb 2.1 amp usb charger (any will do, I used a spare griffin one I had in the car)

*12V Female car cigarette lighter socket -

*Ring loop terminal crimp (I had these at work but there will be plenty on eBay or in halfords etc)

*Through crimp (same as ring loop terminal crimp)

*3 amp fuse (halfords)

*zip ties
*electrical tape

All these parts are very cheap on the internet if you have a good look.

Crimp the red wire of your 12v female socket to the piggy back fuse adaptor using your through crimp, and crimp the white (or other wire) with the ring loop terminal crimp. This will be your ground wire.

Plug your mini usb charger into the 12V  female socket and use some electrical tape around the edge to hold in place if it feels a bit loose. And plug the 3amp fuse into the piggy back fuse holder in the socket that lines up with the red wire.

Open the fuse box on the drivers side of your dash, remove the fuse for your 12V car cigarette lighter (use handbook for fuse terminal number) and add this to the other part of the fuse holder on your piggy back adaptor, now plug the fuse adaptor in where you just removed the 12V cigarette lighter socket fuse from. And then using your T20 torx remove the screw at the top of the fuse board and put your ground wire behind it.

4) Run the 12V female socket through the side of your dash where the fuse board is and just guide it towards the centre console on the bottom of your dashboard, no removal of the underside of the dash is required for this, just a bit tricky in some places. Leave it near the centre console but still on the bottom the dash where you can reach it (above pedals).

Now you need to remove your ashtray, this is done by pulling up on your gear stick surround and it will expose two T15 torx screws. Remove these and the ashtray will lift out, unplug any buttons etc so it's all out the way.

Now pop out the end button blank and put in your new USB port, run the wire attached to the USB port (with the USB Adaptor also attached) down through the centre console towards where you left the 12V female socket, once through you can plug the usb adaptor into the USB socket you put in the 12V female socket. (Unfortunately I have no pics of this but it's simple enough to do).

Tuck away any wires and tidy up with zip ties etc and reassemble the ashtray. Once it was all connected I used some sticky backed Velcro to secure the 12V female socket under my dash to stop any rattles.


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« Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 07:45:06 pm by NathED30 »
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Re: HOW TO - Centre console USB port!
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2014, 11:44:44 pm »
I never knew about those lol! Hindsight I'd have used that

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Re: HOW TO - Centre console USB port!
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2014, 10:02:38 am »
You can even buy one with a bare cable 5v output rather than a USB if you are brave enough to chop the cable from the VW USB socket

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Re: HOW TO - Centre console USB port!
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2014, 11:25:08 am »
Good idea! I did the same wiring system for my dashcam again so I didn't have to open the ashtray.

Tell me, is the USB just for charging then? It's not actually connected to the stereo or anything?

Do you find the charging is good? Sometimes the output voltage of a car is so low it hardly charges the phone at all!

Offline NathED30

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Re: HOW TO - Centre console USB port!
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2014, 08:20:40 pm »
I haven't used it for a long period of time yet but it seems to charge up just the same as my usual in-car charger did! And no it's not connected to the stereo, I think you can connect to stereo but I already have an MDI so no need!

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Re: HOW TO - Centre console USB port!
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2014, 08:22:10 pm »

You can even buy one with a bare cable 5v output rather than a USB if you are brave enough to chop the cable from the VW USB socket

I don't think I'd be brave enough it took about 4 weeks to come so I wouldn't wanna wait for another if I messed it up!

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Re: HOW TO - Centre console USB port!
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2014, 08:52:58 pm »
Correct me if i'm wrong, and please point out why this would be a bad idea but surely to get power to the USB there is just going to be a positive and a negative? so could you not just chop it up, get a multimeter on it and find out which is which and splice it straight into the back of the 12v supply in the ashtray(solder it in)? Then it would use the fuse on that if it was ever to short out?
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 09:00:36 pm by ed30sam123 »
Tornado red ED30 No. 0728

Offline NathED30

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Re: HOW TO - Centre console USB port!
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2014, 12:47:42 pm »
I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work but this was just an easier method for me to do as it would save me splicing into other circuits and soldering  etc. this was really quick to put in and can be removed just as fast if wanted to. So for ease I used the option I did

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Re: HOW TO - Centre console USB port!
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2014, 02:46:22 pm »
Correct me if i'm wrong, and please point out why this would be a bad idea but surely to get power to the USB there is just going to be a positive and a negative? so could you not just chop it up, get a multimeter on it and find out which is which and splice it straight into the back of the 12v supply in the ashtray(solder it in)? Then it would use the fuse on that if it was ever to short out?

Sure you could do that but I'd be inclined to run a 3amp fuse inline to be safe as the 12v socket has a 20amp fuse?

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Re: HOW TO - Centre console USB port!
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2014, 06:40:22 pm »
Correct me if i'm wrong, and please point out why this would be a bad idea but surely to get power to the USB there is just going to be a positive and a negative? so could you not just chop it up, get a multimeter on it and find out which is which and splice it straight into the back of the 12v supply in the ashtray(solder it in)? Then it would use the fuse on that if it was ever to short out?

Sure you could do that but I'd be inclined to run a 3amp fuse inline to be safe as the 12v socket has a 20amp fuse?

Thanks for the info, I'll probably do that then. I've had plenty of experience when it comes to chopping wires in cars haha! Ill give it a god after Christmas and post up some pics :)
Tornado red ED30 No. 0728

Offline NathED30

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Re: HOW TO - Centre console USB port!
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2014, 05:13:04 pm »
Yeah let us know how you get on mate! :happy2:

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