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Author Topic: Other Forums  (Read 3169 times)

Offline garrardrj

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Other Forums
« on: December 12, 2014, 05:07:09 pm »
I have been on this forum for 4 years and its been a great place to be and the advice and help from the users has been excellent .
I have recently been using another forum which to be honest there was a distinct "Anti My post" right from the word go and anything that i said was ridiculed and picked to bits and thats fair enough . But what concerned me was the fact that never was there any questioning of my experience or view and how i had come to post on a topic that i had some specific knowledge about . It was in relation to my experience as a Police Officer for 30 years on Vehicle related law and court procedure and process . They picked up the fact that i put a space after a word and then put a comma rather than anything to do with what the post said , is one example . It got to the stage that a moderator closed the thread down . I went back there to have a look today and a new member with about 3 posts to their name was getting similar treatment where the moderator had to close that down too ...... Was it someone on here as the person said they used to have ED30 and an R - Worked for a Formula 1 team and profile says they are in Basingstoke.
I don't want to mention the forum but what are others experience of other motoring forums ?
Are they like this one or like the one i have stopped using ?
There have been a bit of ribbing on here in the past of some people but not openly Anti poster right from the word go for no real reason .
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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2014, 05:30:08 pm »
Why do you put a space before a text mark? :signLOL:

I have no idea about other forums mistreating newcomers. I find it weird. :confused:

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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2014, 05:44:27 pm »
Why do you put a space before a text mark? :signLOL:

I have no idea about other forums mistreating newcomers. I find it weird. :confused:

It was how i was taught to type reports in the police , it was part of the old Computer system we had where the search facility was poor , so if you search for Ford, it wouldn't find Ford (as the system saw Ford, as different to Ford) . So everything had to spaced in order to fully search the system . People that managed the system had to go into every document and alter the spacing if it hadn't been done , hence the habit . Can you imagine how time consuming in the early days that was !
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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2014, 06:03:36 pm »
I see. Old computer systems indeed. I think now you can go back to the regular spacing. :grin:

You have a good reason for doing that overkill spacing, though. Must be weird to go back from that too...

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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2014, 06:09:30 pm »
I see. Old computer systems indeed. I think now you can go back to the regular spacing. :grin:

You have a good reason for doing that overkill spacing, though. Must be weird to go back from that too...

Its impossible , who cares ? Who has ever noticed it on here ?
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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2014, 06:11:18 pm »
No one cares much, you're right. At least not a sane person. I'll leave it alone. :innocent:

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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2014, 06:25:00 pm »
I've been on forums in the past where there's a definite "clique" and if you're not part of it, you're seen as an outsider. I've been on others where people have spats and fights with others for: having a different opinion to the general consensus, not using correct SPAG (or correcting others on it), posting daily news items (whether it's related or not to the forum theme), lack of experience, or even having professional experience (because you're then giving an opinion that others don't like), and of course the usual religion/politics stuff.

You tend to learn which forums to join and which to avoid/leave. This is one of the better forums. I suspect car forums will tend to attract more people from a wider cross section of society so you'll get more people coming up with very opinionated/uninformed posts, compared to say a very specialist forum eg torches.

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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2014, 06:43:26 pm »
Out of quite a few forums ive been on I have to say that this forum and the Rsoc forum are the best by far in everyway to include, help, knowledge, friendliness, banter etc etc  :congrats:
I can be a funny bugger myself at times but you guys seem to put up with me and all my daft questions over last couple months  :evilgrin:
Spent many years on the Rsoc forums and until recently when I joined this forum ive never really liked any others for some of the reasons posted above by the op of this thread!
Also maybe its just me but ive noticed a bit of the above unfriendly on detailing world too  :sick:
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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2014, 06:44:10 pm »
I always think its the age average age group of forums is the trouble

sadly as the mk5 becomes more affordable for the youngsters this place will slide  :surprised:

I have been on the forum you did not mention for donkeys years and hardly post anymore did at the start but I do still scan over it

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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2014, 11:43:59 pm »
Wouldnt try and waste any more energy on it myself, every forum will have its very own scene hero/legends and clique groups, if you dont share the general consenus, youre gonna have a bad time. Its one of those unwritten laws of the internet
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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2014, 12:25:50 am »
Age definitely has something to do with it (although I'm only 20). The average on this forum is probably about 30 and so most of the people on here are mature and can respect someone's opinion without insulting them or taking offence.

Also this is a more performance mods/ maintenance type forum rather than which Air ride/ vinyl wrap and rotiforms should I get. The two attract very different crowds and mentality's most of the scene lot just slag each other off whereas on here people just appreciate each others work.

Edition38 forum is full of ****s.

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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2014, 10:48:26 am »
More and more younger people who spend too much time hidden behind a keyboard are let loose across the internet, where until recent changes in the law, freedom of speech truly existed. Parents don't see what their kids are saying so malicious, bullying behaviourgoes unnoticed (not suggesting bad parenting, just a generation difference who don't use the internet like kids). People grow up thinking that if you be rude, vile, harassing or evil via a keyboard its OK, because its the internet and that's how it is.

Rant over.

Moving over to Flickr, sorry for the broken picture links!

Offline Tortaruga

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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2014, 10:51:34 am »
I got abuse from one lad on r32oc when I posted a query about about the Mk6 R. He went off on one about 'this is a forum for v6 golfs only'. In fairness others stuck up for me though.
I told him to f@ck off and then left the forum  :laugh:

This forum is great; the moderators are handsome, talented, wondrous people that love us all. Peace love and happiness to all. :smiley:
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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2014, 10:10:55 am »
I have been on this forum for 4 years and its been a great place to be and the advice and help from the users has been excellent .
I have recently been using another forum which to be honest there was a distinct "Anti My post" right from the word go and anything that i said was ridiculed and picked to bits and thats fair enough . But what concerned me was the fact that never was there any questioning of my experience or view and how i had come to post on a topic that i had some specific knowledge about . It was in relation to my experience as a Police Officer for 30 years on Vehicle related law and court procedure and process . They picked up the fact that i put a space after a word and then put a comma rather than anything to do with what the post said , is one example . It got to the stage that a moderator closed the thread down . I went back there to have a look today and a new member with about 3 posts to their name was getting similar treatment where the moderator had to close that down too ...... Was it someone on here as the person said they used to have ED30 and an R - Worked for a Formula 1 team and profile says they are in Basingstoke.
I don't want to mention the forum but what are others experience of other motoring forums ?
Are they like this one or like the one i have stopped using ?
There have been a bit of ribbing on here in the past of some people but not openly Anti poster right from the word go for no real reason .

you're also gulity of this! when i first joined here you tried doing this to me.

Offline garrardrj

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Re: Other Forums
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2014, 10:30:51 am »
I think that was the Brake disc pad servicing removal of caliper thing ?

I think we agreed to disagree from memory , the vast majority of mechanics don't do what you do and hence the scepticism from my front . You explained yourself and how/who trained you etc. I also said that if you did that we would all want our servicing done by someone like you , didn't i ?
I think i commented on the "Who services brakes" as someone raised that . I had only ever seen one other mechanic do it , generally due to them working on older cars (10ys plus) , but it was in May this year having checked the thread
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 10:53:27 am by garrardrj »
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