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moving home

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After 10 years of been on the council list to move from the flat;we got offered a house and luck would have its 200 yards away and a corner house with a big garden.The crap you collect is unreal with 11 trips to the tip :signLOL:..also the people you have to inform you have moved to a new address

Great news Andy, happy new house, sounds perfect. :drinking:

Nice One  :smiley:

Early Xmas present, Shweeet.  :drinking:

Only 11 trips to the wife manages that when changing the living room around!  :scared:

Congratulation on getting a house  :drinking:

It is a nightmare the amount of people you need to inform. I complete on Friday and moving over the weekend, I'm just looking at van hire at the moment and can't believe how much they charge.


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