General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
New Post Filters
All search terms are fine by me providing the server can handle it.... make the minimum 2 and see what happens.
--- Quote from: rich83 on December 20, 2014, 12:19:26 pm ---All search terms are fine by me providing the server can handle it.... make the minimum 2 and see what happens.
--- End quote ---
It should not affect the server as the main search is handled by sphinx now. Will set it to 3 and hack in some two letter words.
Doesnt sphinx still run off the VPN though?
Hacked in DV and GT are there any other 2 letter words we need to add?
Not that I can think of and to be honest, only the really common ones need to be in there as other searches that use acronyms will probably be by users who know how to search the forum before posting.
On the subject of server load, it it worth having a clear down of certain sections (like the for sale and general sections) to reduce the amount of posts the servers must search through every time?
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