So it's time for another update as I've laid low for a while
Here's some extra toys I got delivered around January time just before I went to London..
MK6 MFSW + Fiscon Basic Plus Kit

When I got back from London i had them fitted by
@skard again

Not long after these I wanted to improve the brakes after I had a close call at a roundabout one night. So I got myself the full S3 kit.

After installing them, the discs were playing up so I got myself some replacements..

Made a massive improvement and I couldn't recommend them enough to anyone who still has the stock setup, yes you gain a bit more weight up front but it's nothing a remap won't solve if thats the way you plan to go anyway...
Appearance-wise too they just look the nuts behind the stock 17's. Only downside I find now is cleaning these wheels as you can't get behind the caliper even with brushes I struggle so I plan to replace the 17's with some 18's and lighter too.

After this, i had an issue with the dreaded oil pressure light coming on which put the sh*ts up me when the alarm went off for it.
The car was due a service too so I got everything I needed to do it all at once. After a full day on the drive, it was back to normal again, much quieter and felt healthier.

Got the odd picture so you can see what it was like. Gave the sump a real good clean up to get all the burnt crud off. This is after about 20 minutes of cleaning the worst of it off...

This is what the old oil pickup pipe looked like. For what the part cost, I replaced it rather than washing the old one out etc.

I also replaced the cam follower and really glad I did as there was no evidence of this ever being replaced by the previous owners.

After all this happened, I got my battery looked at as I had been having some trouble with starts. Found the battery was running at less than a third of what it should have been so I got this replaced with the E44 Varta as its well rated on the forum and a bit of an upgrade from the stock battery.

Since this, it's been great, just been keeping it clean and enjoying it for what it is. Still looking for things to buy which reminds me.. I got this delivered.

To finish off, I'll leave you's with my new addition to my cleaning kit... A little fella a.k.a my nephew

He's a good egg.
Mods done to date:RCD510 DAB
Boot pop via key fob
Beep upon locking the car via key fob
Seat inlays
Fission Basic + Bluetooth kit
MDI dock
R32 Clocks with highline display
LED lights
Door Warning Lights
LED number plate lights
Full S3 Big Brake Kit
Goodyear Eagle F1 Assy 2 x4
SuperPro Poly Bushes up front + Engine mount insert
PowerFlex Black bushes at the rear
Original Engine Hoses replacing the blue hoses that came with the car.
Rev G Diverter Valve
Cam Follower replaced
I also forgot to mention that I have had the bushes replaced.
At the rear: PU Powerflex black ones have been installed, this was a bit of a mess up as I had ordered the purple ones for street use but never the less, i had them installed. Up front at a later date I got the SuperPro PU bushes, all except the ARB as later on I plan to replace the ARB's with H&R but undecided yet.
The timing chain has been done too making the car soooo much quieter. Over the moon with it.
Also, some bad news... Some clown has scrubbed my front bumper taking off some of the paint so I now have to budget to have this repaired. The bonnet is damaged anyway and the wing is bubbling but due to being resprayed by previous owner, will not qualify for warranty work by VW so now my next job is to have the full front end sprayed somewhere in the North East / Darlington area or possibly Preston area so if anyone has any recommendations, that would be great.
I think over the next year, I would like to add some lightweight 18" wheels and Michelin PS3 tyres, H&R springs, 3" downpipe with 100Cel Sports cat and a map. Will no doubt need a clutch by then too so thats to be kept in mind. I would also like an induction kit as my air intake has a broken lug at the front where its attached at the front of the bay therefore it has caused the top panel that clips on to fall off onto the road somewhere, so I'm looking into what everyone has and their reviews. Don't want something ridiculously loud but i'd like a bit of noise.