Finally got it sitting a bit more how I want it.. All it took was new hubs, disks, calipers, pads, drop links, balljoints, track rod ends, top mounts, coilovers all round, and a wheel bearing.

Not happy with the front, but it needs the arches rolling before going lower.
Painted all the calipers silver while it was apart too, looks much more fresh now.

After Christmas, I'll roll the arches and try and pull them a little, as they're scraping a bit.
The paint missing on the front arches is due to the common rust problem, can't really be bothered to deal with VW, but I will get them painted at some point.
It's a bit dirty atm, but more pics!

Also got some gloss black 3M vinyl wrap and wrapped the B pillar trims, as the original matte finish was a bit worse for wear.


Looks much cleaner IMO, the matte trims didn't blend in with the glass as much.
Also finally changed the hanging old eBay beesting I had on there.

The sharkfin was around £40 from VW.

