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My Cupra K1 replacement-Golf R mk6

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--- Quote from: dan930 on May 02, 2016, 11:32:50 am ---Very nice long does the tank of methonal last?or it's still to early to say?

--- End quote ---
cheers Dan :happy2:
i think it needs fine tuning tbh,maybe when ive got a custom map on it,low revs it doesnt really spray,its set at i think 8 psi and max 15 psi which i think is low but im on a low boost map,used a quarter of a tank in 60 miles but thats mostly motorway speeds :evilgrin:

Finally got round to some more oem upgrades as some came up for sale cheap
door latch covers

hard to get a good pic because of the reflection

another thing that wound me up was my porsche coolant cap not sitting straight

stripped it down and with on/off calculations started to hack it:evil:

finished and clipped onto the last of whats left ran some strong glue around and inside to seal it,sits ideally

next onto some under seat lighting for the back,the seats already came with the hole in for the light fixture then just needs to be tapped into the other front foot lighting
new leds to compliment them all so its all one 'shade' 6000k

from under the seat light fixture then under the carpet to the door trim,then bonnet release trim loosened to feed wires upto original lighting

ive used these before so its easier if they have to be removed in the future

leds fitted

actually easier on the other side

lastly sorted out my problematic polar fis+ display resetting itself and turning off every 10 seconds or so,spoke with alex at Aks tuning firstly about it and ran an update first to see if it cures it...went back to the same problem aftyer a few mins grrr,next was a factory reset then update but still the same problems
lastly was to remove everything again to make sure its all seated correctly,the only thing we seen was the connector was slightly not seatting in perfectly
so i thought ill remove the cover and found this

white wire completely off,good thing it was an easy fix

ran the car for a few mins and reset all the parameters and its perfect,must of not been keeping its memory etc but its reading better than it was when i first got it :)
only thing to do is i need a new windscreen :( excess of £60,ive been putting it off for a few weeks now because of buying mods lol

I am also having a new windscreen this week... We copy each other's work/modifications too much!


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