Had my springs done at an indy. Half the bolts so tight it broke my extension bar so i had to breaker bar them off. Some wheel nuts so loose that I could feel play with just my fingers. So bloody angry Im going to complain. Windy gun job i suspect. I thought I had a bit of a wobble on breaking or going round corners but thought it was my imagination. Done nearly 600 miles like that until I changed my wheels. Could have lost any wheel at any time

My motto now definitely is if you want piece of mind only person you can trust is yourself (sorry to the proper mechanics who do do a proper job.) . When your car is your pride and joy, and you place the lives of yourself, your family, friends etc into your car, wheels hanging loosely is unforgivable imo.
Torque wrench is your friend and tighten opposite nuts to make sure wheel is square on the hub. Also lubricate the hub and nuts too to stop them seizing.
Rant over