Nahhhh!! Its your car after all Robin, I think its irrelevant who is driving it really..
....Well, I'm thinking that perhaps both are relevant and also would be for anyone else doing the same: Relevant because it shows what the car spec is capable of but also what the driver manages to achieve. It's just important that the driver for the time is listed, so credit is shown where it's due.
If we are both at a quarter-mile event again I'll be inviting you to see what you can do in my car again. It's a good measure of my car's potential and also gives me something to aim for.
I would say keep Dom's thread for multiple drivers etc, and the leader board just for fastest times for the cars, regardless of driver.. And again, multiple entries would be restricted to turbo change only..
As for you car Robin, I really believe a mid to low 13 is possible with a couple more bits and a decent day!!