General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Cant respond back to a topic

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--- Quote from: Top Cat on November 20, 2009, 07:45:26 pm ---You are only restricted from these 3 area's  For Sale, Trade Offers and Group Buys. and if there is something in those sections you would like to buy then all you have to do is PM the seller, its not to difficult to work around it.  :happy2:

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Ah that makes much more sense.



--- Quote from: Top Cat on November 20, 2009, 07:45:26 pm ---
--- Quote from: cuprak1 on November 20, 2009, 06:29:44 pm ---
--- Quote from: stealthwolf on November 20, 2009, 05:48:07 pm ---Maybe it's better to have a separate traders log-in account eg TRADER_cuprak1.

It's a bit crap not being able to respond to legitimate threads even if you're not pushing a product.

Having said that, is it not possible for you to keep your cuprak1 log-in as a trader and then register with a new account under a different name with no advertising?

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thats what i thouht :S

revo are signed on here and jkm, are you telling me that if a revo worker wanted a personal account here he cant ?

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All of the Awsome employees are members on here and they all have awsome in there name, but if they wanted to promote there companies products then they would also be restricted from the 3 sections.
I agree it is not an ideal situation for you guys personally but thats part and parcel of being a trader and being treated the same as everyone else.

You are only restricted from these 3 area's  For Sale, Trade Offers and Group Buys. and if there is something in those sections you would like to buy then all you have to do is PM the seller, its not to difficult to work around it.  :happy2:

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Gotcha ! cheers for the sharpe and accurace reply  :happy2:

Hello all, i may be wrong but i cannot post in the for sale section either. i am not a trader, just want to buy some things!

Can anyone help?

Cheers tommy!

You don't have enough posts yet. :smiley:

best get posting then...


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