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a free progam for lost photo's
the misses bought a digi photo frame the other day...i connect the card reader to the computer with the sd card in...thier i was copying the photo's other of the kids to the sd card-when it had finished the sd card was empty but worse than that it had moved the photo & not copyed them,the photos are now floating about in the computer,tryed a normal search but thier can't be found like this.....i down loaded a free trail version of photo recovery which took ages to scan my computer but it did work but the problem is i can view my lost pictures but can't save them...
does any body know a free down load progam to recovery them
Try Handy Recovery - supposedly works well on flash memory.
Have a look at >this< thread.
As Stokeballoon has said.
Runtime is a very good program and I have found that on recovery it tends to keep thge resolution of the pics which most programs dont.
How did you come along?
Mike :smiley:
thanks for the advice..i used Handy Recovery..which worked but its very slow if you do a full scan,only problem is ,you have to pay for the full version which is £25 to be able to save them again
yes but £25 i cheaper than paying £100 to pc world for data recovery....
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