After spending many ££££ on my car the engine now has bores 2 & 3 full of oil which I've been told is probably the rings or possibly the head gasket, also i have rubbed the bodywork with my wheels so now I also need to get the arches repaired before the rust sets in.
I'm just wondering what to do now? Do I get the engine re-built and hope nothing else goes kaput, break the car and get some ££ back or do I source an S3/ED30 engine and get a bit more power out of the K04?
Is it a case of just droping an S3 engine in and away I go or do I need extra parts?
Any advice would be appreciated. 
I feel your pain buddy, this exact thing happened to me last summer

After lots of head scratching and talking to people in the know (namely Alex @ AKS) i decided on a replacement CDL engine over a rebuild.
My BWA was already maxxed with a Ko4 conversion at stage 2+, so a rebuild working out at not much less than a lower mileage stronger CDL engine didn't make sense when your putting that kind of power through it. Obviously i now have the option to run more, safer power in the future as well. I wasn't happy with the thought of a rebuild and just waiting for something to go pop

From your sig i can see you've a nicely set up car, doesn't make sense to break it IMO if your happy with it, other than it not working at the minute

I too had ploughed big into my car and was not about to give up on it, it hurts but you can move on

It is pretty much a straight foward swap, just need the MAP and thrust sensor from your original engine iirc
If i can help with any other info, give me a shout