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Author Topic: Rusty wing, a tale from the Isle of man  (Read 993 times)

Offline jonesyiom

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Rusty wing, a tale from the Isle of man
« on: January 20, 2015, 05:36:25 pm »
Well, there are small bubbles on the wings of my Golf.....warranty cover or not. Let me call my retailer to get their opinion and see if we can square this one away.
So, I Call our local VW retailer only to be told that the Isle of Man does not have an approved VW body shop and that I will need to book my car in with an approved bodyshop in the UK.
That now means £300 in boat fares, book time off work and maybe a hotel for the night, thats for the initial assessment.
If the arches are covered then I'll need to book my car in at the approved bodyshop and leave it with them until repaired. This will undoubtedly mean more boat fares, time off work and being without a car.
Whilst island life has its advantages it certainly has its disadvantages.
I'll probably end up going to an independent body shop and just paying it myself as the other option is an absolute ball ache.
I the grand scheme of things am sure it could be worse but I thought I'd share a bit of island life with you:happy2:
Signing off

Offline th3_f15t

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Re: Rusty wing, a tale from the Isle of man
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2015, 05:54:00 pm »
Make sure you take a copy of the VW document to the body shop so they trim the foam according to VW guidance. Don't want this again in years to come. :happy2:

Moving over to Flickr, sorry for the broken picture links!

Offline Markweir12

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Re: Rusty wing, a tale from the Isle of man
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2015, 06:10:07 pm »
I went through the exact same dude.

I work for Land rover and they use a nominated bodyshop which isn't technically approved but yet VW won't do that.

Pure bull

Offline jonesyiom

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Re: Rusty wing, a tale from the Isle of man
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2015, 11:34:10 am »
It's a load of Boll0xs mate. Gonna end up going to Lee Davey down the old Ballamona site as he's seen me ritght before.

What makes me laugh is that if you bought a new or used VW from Raymotors I bet they dont advise you that should any corrosion appear on the car then you need to go to the UK to get it checked out.

Offline jameseddie

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Re: Rusty wing, a tale from the Isle of man
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2015, 02:34:17 pm »
Heard/read varies stores on wing rust, a good read is,48873.0.html. It might be worth you getting a paint reading locally if you can, as dealerships get picky if there are signs of previous repair work, as some are known to refuse work or only pay a contribution.