The rear badge has slight white worm, but the tailgate (around the badge) is really really bad. The rust is so bad the water is now leaking through.
Listers said they could not action this under warranty - I believe they are saying this because of the cost impact. They are unable to repair the tailgate and advised it would need a replacement. The total cost - replace, refit and paint the tailgate is £1900

with a £300 extra just incase they are unable to remove the rear glass.
I know there is a slight defect on the wings but rush is rust, surely? the wings have bubbled and rusted the tailgate has done the same, but worse.
Had a brief call from them, currently they are saying the reason the tailgate is not really covered is becuase this is a PAINT issue (covered for 3 years only) and not a rust issue. Seem complete bull if you ask me