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Author Topic: My BSH Catch Can experience.  (Read 16235 times)

Offline KRL

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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #45 on: November 26, 2009, 01:08:30 pm »
....^ This information worries me  :sad1: - I'll be adding this subject as something to check on my list of To-Do's at VWR on my next visit.

Tut-tut, BSH, it seems from these reports that you may need to revise your product.

Sorry Robin, I can't agree with that at all.  Please see my previous post as to what I think was the problem.

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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #46 on: November 26, 2009, 01:19:51 pm »

then when i converted back to standard the checkvalve was broke and it blew some serious oil out of the filler cap!
The check valve is actually a weak point of the standard PCV system and is prone to failure on both standard and remapped cars.  This is one of the reason BSH chose to bypass it in their PCV fix.  I wonder if your check valve may have already been on its way out.  Had you noticed if your car was experiencing any troubles holding boost and/or was a erratic at idle?

also when i removed the kit i found the plasic elbows were really garled up with oil mayo stuff the diameter was about 6mm! this was after a week so i wasnt willing to find out what it was going to be like after any longer.
I think you probably over tightened them.

there was nothing wrong with the elbows phisically, just inside the diameter was reduced due to the build up of emulsified oil/water, which is what it is supposed to do but when it reaches the can, not in the pipework/fittings i would have thought. my car ran fine prior to the can fit. smooth idle bags of boost! each to there own but iam comfortable and happier with my standard revised setup  :happy2:
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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #47 on: November 26, 2009, 02:55:46 pm »

i removed my catch can after a week as there was a cluncking noise which turned out to be the check valve in the crankcase breather, from what i can gather the bsh system doesnt need the check valve so it just rattles around. but somehow it broke mine with all the rattling! ( apparently some people knock the check valve out with a screw driver when they run the kit to get rid of the clunking sound) then when i converted back to standard the checkvalve was broke and it blew some serious oil out of the filler cap! also when i removed the kit i found the plasic elbows were really garled up with oil mayo stuff the diameter was about 6mm! this was after a week so i wasnt willing to find out what it was going to be like after any longer.

i have now had the new crankcase breather and new revision L rocker cover pcv fitted and it is perfect holds the remap boost with no sign of oil round the cap or dipstick etc

....^ This information worries me  :sad1: - I'll be adding this subject as something to check on my list of To-Do's at VWR on my next visit.

Tut-tut, BSH, it seems from these reports that you may need to revise your product.

Having read your previous thread, i am not sure we should all jump to the conclusion that is a poor design.  Would be good to give BSH a chance (Robin), rather than hanging them on the site.  Lets get some subjective evidence.

I have had no problems since I fitted my can, my unions are ok, and it is working as advertised.

....You either misread or misunderstand my words, Dave. I am neither "jumping to a conclusion" nor am I "hanging" BSH - I am merely passing comment based on BMX's report. Such reports quite rightly should give anyone cause for concern and I am suggesting that IF there is a fixable problem, BSH would do well to address it.

Please read my posted words again more carefully - The English is quite plain and I have highlit the key words in blue to help:

"Tut-tut, BSH, it seems from these reports that you may need to revise your product"

Yes, I have made honest criticisms of this product in the past but I have also told you to your face (standing in your garage with both can sizes) that I think the BSH cans are in some ways better than I first thought.

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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #48 on: November 26, 2009, 03:03:09 pm »

....^ This information worries me  :sad1: - I'll be adding this subject as something to check on my list of To-Do's at VWR on my next visit.

Tut-tut, BSH, it seems from these reports that you may need to revise your product.

Sorry Robin, I can't agree with that at all.  Please see my previous post as to what I think was the problem.

....Yes, your post you refer to does explain well what was the most likely problem - I didn't have the benefit of seeing it earlier. Emailed notifications from this site are taking too long to find their way onto my computer - No-one's particular fault but it can result in my posts being delivered before all replies are seen. I'll try and cater for this occurrence.


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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #49 on: November 26, 2009, 06:40:11 pm »

i removed my catch can after a week as there was a cluncking noise which turned out to be the check valve in the crankcase breather, from what i can gather the bsh system doesnt need the check valve so it just rattles around. but somehow it broke mine with all the rattling! ( apparently some people knock the check valve out with a screw driver when they run the kit to get rid of the clunking sound) then when i converted back to standard the checkvalve was broke and it blew some serious oil out of the filler cap! also when i removed the kit i found the plasic elbows were really garled up with oil mayo stuff the diameter was about 6mm! this was after a week so i wasnt willing to find out what it was going to be like after any longer.

i have now had the new crankcase breather and new revision L rocker cover pcv fitted and it is perfect holds the remap boost with no sign of oil round the cap or dipstick etc

....^ This information worries me  :sad1: - I'll be adding this subject as something to check on my list of To-Do's at VWR on my next visit.

Tut-tut, BSH, it seems from these reports that you may need to revise your product.

Having read your previous thread, i am not sure we should all jump to the conclusion that is a poor design.  Would be good to give BSH a chance (Robin), rather than hanging them on the site.  Lets get some subjective evidence.

I have had no problems since I fitted my can, my unions are ok, and it is working as advertised.

....You either misread or misunderstand my words, Dave. I am neither "jumping to a conclusion" nor am I "hanging" BSH - I am merely passing comment based on BMX's report. Such reports quite rightly should give anyone cause for concern and I am suggesting that IF there is a fixable problem, BSH would do well to address it.

Please read my posted words again more carefully - The English is quite plain and I have highlit the key words in blue to help:

"Tut-tut, BSH, it seems from these reportsthat you may need to revise your product"

Yes, I have made honest criticisms of this product in the past but I have also told you to your face (standing in your garage with both can sizes) that I think the BSH cans are in some ways better than I first thought.

Without this getting out of hand and off topic, the underlying theme in you message (by using the words TUT TUT) is one of criticism.  You have slated the catch previously, and I accept that you have retracted some of these comments, but I feel that by using the words TUT TUT you accent your post.

The term 'i am not sure we should all jump to the conclusion that is a poor design' was aimed at BMX, with respect to his previous post, and the fact that his PCV was probably on its way out prior to catch can fit, not at you.  It was also a plea to keep the thread on a constructive footing. I have highlit (word?) or highlighted the words in question.

I want BSH to investigate the failings of Ians, IGOR's and BMX's systems and if the design is at fault then a re-design is required, however i do feel that the thread should remain constructive.  

Ps my English is just fine, thank you.


« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 06:42:12 pm by stokeballoon »

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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #50 on: November 26, 2009, 07:02:49 pm »
Sorry for being a bit thick but what do they do ??  :ashamed:
ED35. Standard factory condition.

Offline RedRobin

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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #51 on: November 26, 2009, 07:20:45 pm »
@ stokeballoon:

My criticism is constructive. I do insist on the absolute right to express my views/opinions for all to judge for themselves as they may. Any forum is an arena in which to share a rich variety of honest and sincere views, however misguided or correct they may in truth be. Most criticisms have a constructive kernel buried in them somewhere if you look.

I feel that "Tut-Tut" was appropriate to my view - In its context I used the word as a gentle term. As with many things, the BSH catch can system has some strengths and some weaknesses in its design.

This is very much on topic as I am being honest about my own BSH Catch Can experience.

I think that it's sometimes tricky to know who is specifically addressing who in a post which responds to included quotes from several people (as it was in this case) - A simple misunderstanding.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 07:55:59 pm by RedRobin »

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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #52 on: November 26, 2009, 07:29:19 pm »

Sorry for being a bit thick but what do they do ??  :ashamed:

....Someone else can doubtless describe in detail what an oil catch can does and there are a number of threads on the subject. But in simple terms the aftermarket system interrupts the oem system and extracts and collects gunk made up of water and oil which would otherwise reach and through time harden on the valves.

The fundamental reason why the oem system is the way it is, is to satisfy eco/emission subject matter.

This illustration showing how it works may help : -

[^ Thanks John] Check out his linked thread in Reply #54 below - Lots of great info  :happy2:
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 07:54:16 pm by RedRobin »

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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #53 on: November 26, 2009, 07:35:45 pm »
Red ED35 5dr DSG
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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #54 on: November 26, 2009, 07:50:59 pm »
FAQ's!! The one place I didn't look! Thanks, John.  :drinking:

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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #55 on: November 28, 2009, 05:46:16 pm »
What I find interesting is that the large tank kit has different (alloy) connectors to the small can version, why can't Dubtek ask BSH for some of these connectors, and replace the frankly weak plastic elbow connectors with these???

Offline KRL

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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #56 on: November 28, 2009, 05:57:13 pm »
The hoses are actually easier to route with the 90 degree plastic connectors as you can point them in the direction you want the hoses to go.

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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #57 on: November 28, 2009, 07:06:05 pm »
The hoses are actually easier to route with the 90 degree plastic connectors as you can point them in the direction you want the hoses to go.

So rubber hose isn't flexible enough??  If  not so, why have BSH changed the connectors?? :confused:

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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #58 on: November 29, 2009, 05:56:25 pm »
Rubber hoses are flexible for most of the locations for a catch can but do have limitations. That's why I shall be buying some of Dubtek's HEL stainless steel braided hoses for mine.

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Re: My BSH Catch Can experience.
« Reply #59 on: June 20, 2010, 10:04:20 am »


Did you ever get the SS hoses for your can...?
I would be interested to know how you got on with this, as I envisage some issues with the hoses kinking on my kit due to not having the 90 deg elbows with the stage 2+ kit.

Do you know what size the hose clamps are as these are also not supplied..?

Lastly; I understand there is a check valve that should be removed (comes from the turbo or something) ?
