Hi All,
Once again on the hunt for some advice and help!
Today I attempted to replace the CV boots on both sides of the car as well as a full front brake refresh. All went swimmingly.... for a while. I managed to take the drivers side out easily, and got it on the bench, cut off the old boot and cleaned up the old grease...
Went to remove the CV joint from the Driveshaft and fell on my face! It would not budge, not matter how hard I hit it, tried the pullers and it just would not budge! Several hours later and a significant number of swear words I have put it all back together cable tying the damaged CV boot back on for a minute. Having not changed anything
So my question is, what did I do wrong???
What should I do next? Buy some cheap driveshafts? J&G on ebay?
Or can you recommend a decent quality driveshaft?