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Author Topic: Road rage rant  (Read 2493 times)

Offline Degudodger

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Road rage rant
« on: January 28, 2015, 08:37:37 pm »
What is it with people on the roads these days!

Over the last three days i have driven about 800 miles undertaking site visits in the South West (telecoms sites) meaning i have spent a fair couple of hours on A/B roads and motor ways and am astounded at the sheer number of idiot drivers there are on the road. Case in point. Driving south on the A34 after coming off the M40 some guy in a beat up Mk4 Golf came banging up behind me, started flashing his lights and hugging my arse trying to get past but with there being cars in front of me and in the inside lane there was absolutely nowhere to go. This went on for at least 3-4 miles (again nowhere for me to go) until the traffic cleared enough for me to let him pass. He then proceeds to get in front of me and SLAM HIS brakes on me forcing me to swerve out of the way on to the hard shoulder narrowly missing a car on a slip lane joining the dual carriage way.

It would be fair to say it was a bit of a brown trouser moment and to make things worse i've royally f@cked the tracking and think i might have to check the suspension  :sick:

2016 Mk7 Golf GTD - Reflex Silver with stuff.

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Offline Deako

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2015, 09:42:04 pm »
It's not just idiot drivers. The general public, on the whole, are complete ****s. I think somewhere around 5-10% of people are worth my time. And this goes down daily.

Offline Degudodger

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2015, 09:54:30 pm »
Going to have to agree with you there Deako.

A friend of ours relation was for a short while made accusations my wife was not undergoing treatment for Stage3 cancer and her daily radiotherapy sessions at the hospital were her "attention" seeking to the point where she started following her to Southampton general.

Given it was 12 months of hell and is going to be until June when hopefully when she gets the all clear i would have been delighted if it was just attention seeking!
2016 Mk7 Golf GTD - Reflex Silver with stuff.

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Offline Deako

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2015, 10:12:29 pm »
Going to have to agree with you there Deako.

A friend of ours relation was for a short while made accusations my wife was not undergoing treatment for Stage3 cancer and her daily radiotherapy sessions at the hospital were her "attention" seeking to the point where she started following her to Southampton general.

Given it was 12 months of hell and is going to be until June when hopefully when she gets the all clear i would have been delighted if it was just attention seeking!

So sorry to hear that.  :sad1:

Sending best wishes and hope she makes a full and speedy recovery.

The person I loved turned out to be a complete whore. And now I'm on anti depressants and been off work for nearly 9 weeks.

People are just horrible.

Offline Degudodger

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2015, 10:19:28 pm »
Thanks Deako. It really puts life into perspective :)

2016 Mk7 Golf GTD - Reflex Silver with stuff.

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2015, 10:28:13 pm »
Makes you take a step back and look at things differently after I nearly lost my daughter last year

Offline Degudodger

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2015, 10:34:07 pm »

I found myself revaluate your priorities and question your life and what you hold true. Other than the HID Vs Xenon argument - Xenon is better. End of!
2016 Mk7 Golf GTD - Reflex Silver with stuff.

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Offline Dazst250

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2015, 08:17:50 pm »
2 recent cases one most alarming both from moron drivers in Audis, I'm not tarring all audi driver the same so don't get me wrong.

My wife went into labour on Friday 16th Jan 6 weeks early? We was out in Leeds shopping at the time so I had to get her home and pick things up for the hospital! Her choice:( anyway on the way to the hospital I came up behind an Audi A1 tfsi. I wasn't going fast has it was raining so I waited till I got to the dual carriageway at Rothwell and pulled into the outside lane to overtake? This guy in the A1 decided he didn't want me to get past him so put his foot down!! Fair enough he wasn't to know I had my wife in the back in labour and my daughter in the front but come on why do these people think everyone's trying to race them every where? Long story short he nearly put me into the back of a Range Rover!

The other was an Audi A4 that sped up so I couldn't get across to get around a car then when I did get round it he was giving me abuse???

Anyway Baby Lola was born an hour later at 7:12pm weighing 4lb 10oz no thanks to the idiot in the A1
A.K.A Mortygttdi

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2015, 08:20:30 pm »
Congrats on the new born mate!

Offline Dazst250

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2015, 08:25:09 pm »
Thank you mate, she's perfect and doing really well to say she 6 weeks early
A.K.A Mortygttdi

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2015, 08:46:41 pm »
Round my way the main issue that bugs me to death is lane discipline. The amount of times on roundabouts I have people creep into my lane when they are right next to me is unreal! I will always sound the horn to make them aware that I am there.

They either don't look or clearly have no control over the vehicle. Whats even scarier is when it happens on a straight bit a dual carriage way.  :driver:

Absolute muppets round my area  :angry015: Rant over  :signLOL:
VW Jetta DSG, Revo Stage 2, Some Mods Nothing Exciting!

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2015, 09:13:44 pm »
My main issues are as above people don't stay in there lanes on roundabouts and then cut me up by drifting over the line. But most of all is people don't move over to the inside lanes on motorways and dual carriage ways. They sit in the middle lane at 65 when there's half a mile of clear tarmac in the inside lane to pull into and so then someone doing 70 has to overtake in the outside lane and stops everyone from doing the real motorway speed which let's face it is more like 90.
Or they sit in the outside lane of a dual carriageway until you get behind them by which time you've had to brake then when they move you have to accelerate again but if you undertake then they flash you and you're the dick.

Unfortunately I have to agree with Deako that most people are self centred assholes and arent worth my time. That's why I don't bother with people until I know they're genuine at which point I'll go to many lengths to help them out, that's why I have a small group of friends but we'd all do literally anything to help eachother.

Sorry to hear about some of the bad things people are dealing with and congrats on the new born @Dazst250.

Offline Dazst250

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2015, 09:42:58 pm »
Cheers Dan

I don't use the m/way that much but when i do I see quite a bit of middle lane hogging!!

I also don't understand why heavy goods vehicles can use high occupancy lanes!
Or why people sit fit to use mother and baby parking when they have no kids or why the minority of elderly people think they are okay to use disabled parking.

A.K.A Mortygttdi

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2015, 11:19:15 pm »
And i was in shocked when driving in London last weekend. Some guy in BMW decided to change lane from most left to right after traffic light turns green without even giving any indicator. Like it was in the GTA5..

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Re: Road rage rant
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2015, 06:40:11 pm »
All the above is the reason I spend so much time on the forum. It's full of nice people who I enjoy engaging in conversation with. :happy2:

Moving over to Flickr, sorry for the broken picture links!