Following on from my new members intro.,93187.0.htmlSoooo this will hopefully become my new build thread to chart the ups and downs of my oem + gti.
As the title may suggest I'm planning on squandering my daughters uni fund to shamelessly modify the gti. Hopefully when she is older I can show her this thread to appease her.
So I went from this;

2.5 turbo diesel ford ranger. Great off road, but cut the air like a wardrobe and handled like a dog on roller skates. It was good losing the back end so predictable.
To this;

2006 steel grey gti. Forgive the filth on it I was busy attending to my newborn daughter. I was looking for a very long time for the right car, steel grey was the colour I always wanted but couldn't get one in the correct spec versus price, eventually I compromised the spec slightly, which is effectively;
Leather heated seats and cruise control

oh and iPod Dock.
I have many plans for the car and intend to use this thread to bounce ideas off you all, I appreciate all of you opinions both negative and positive. I'm a stickler for keeping everything as oem as possible so it probably won't be the most exciting car on here.
I had and now have a larger list with thanks to this forum. Subjectively the following;
Audio upgrade.
Alloys, not sure about the black. Might get these refurbed and diamond cut (I have a plan to stave off white worm).
Paintwork, machine polished.
I quite fancy new brakes

Stance, not sure about this quite like it as it is.
I'm sure this will be edited and grow even more.
Few small areas I have attended to recently;
New polo aerial;

Made of cheese me thinks.

And fitted;

Looks a lot better.
My tips needed urgent attention. I would say they have never been cleaned the soot deposits were so thick. Talking of exhausts that reminds me I'd like a new one (power valve) or (miltek).
Anyway back on track filthy, filthy, dirty tips with some weaponry.

Halfway through;

And hey presto 4 hours later of cursing and with fingers worn to the nub, wishing I had never started.

Much better.
As the previous owner had decided to remove the rear gti badge and replace with a red I was going to replace it. However I quite liked the contrast against the grey so decided to replace the grill badge.
Unfortunately the replacement was the crappiest, shoddiest pile of excrement ever to grace the annals of ebay. Badge placement was wonky and lettering not oem sizing. The fixing also left a lot to be desired.
A piece of turd masquerading as a gti badge.

Yeh straight in bin.

That's it for now, thanks for reading if anyone has. Comments welcome cheers guys and gals.