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Author Topic: Oem + steely  (Read 18648 times)

Offline white91

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Re: Oem + steely
« Reply #45 on: August 02, 2015, 11:25:12 pm »
Thanks for the advice man, I went ahead and bought some bulbs, also managed to get 20% off with a code so it was well worth searching for one! The look and brightness is soo much better, really happy with them! Without hijacking the thread too much....thought you might want a look.... :happy2:

What was the code as I need some bulbs

Offline Martk19871

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Re: Oem + steely
« Reply #46 on: August 03, 2015, 08:01:48 pm »
White9, they were from PowerBulbs and the code is BULBINATOR,  if that's ended do a Google and might find another

Offline Washout

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Re: Oem + steely
« Reply #47 on: August 03, 2015, 08:05:57 pm »
Thanks for the advice man, I went ahead and bought some bulbs, also managed to get 20% off with a code so it was well worth searching for one! The look and brightness is soo much better, really happy with them! Without hijacking the thread too much....thought you might want a look.... :happy2:

Looking really good matey, small change but refreshers the front end. Glad you like them.

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Re: Oem + steely
« Reply #48 on: August 03, 2015, 08:15:51 pm »
Looking really good matey, small change but refreshers the front end. Glad you like them.

I do indeed, i have had the lights on a lot lately  :grin:  going to get fog lights as well

Offline Washout

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Re: Oem + steely
« Reply #49 on: August 19, 2015, 09:59:55 pm »
Time for an update me thinks. I will admit that I very rarely re read this thread so don't really have a clue what mods I planned at the start. I find my modding to be purely guided by the for sale section of this forum.

I had my eye on these for a while, I've never really been keen on aftermarket tints but wanted the look, I opted for the sonniboy interior screens as these provided tint and came with no adjoining line in the boot section.

The normal before's and after's

For the price these are great give the car a far more aggressive exterior and the kids love them because they have something to mess with in the back, rear cup holders can now breathe a sigh of relief.

A box arrived, love getting car related parcels even though you know what's in them. The missus hates them she knows I'll probably disappear at some point on the weekend and leave oily fingerprints everywhere.

Evoms cai, it was always going to end like this, you new what this was, bloody forum.

Went for the evoms for many reasons, I like the way it looks really un subtle, price and great reviews. I also like that it retains the stock air intake for its feed. It was fairly straight forward to fit, even with the lack of instructions it's fairly self explanatory.

But people I cannot stress enough don't go into fitting the heat shield without the correct socket because you will feel the pain ( as I did) for half an hour they made me there man hor.  :signLOL:

Basically the plastic disintegrated leaving a smaller captive nut and I thought yeah fine get a spanner on it, but it wouldn't come it just wouldn't, no because there s a bloody nut on the other side of it that you can't see without psycic ability s, or 5 minutes of research. Who does that, who?  :signLOL:

Rant over, stock intake removed

Bloody heat shield

And fitted

I really like it makes some great noises but I think they need to be louder either that or I'm going deaf. The plan from here is to get the evoms engine cover and customise it slightly. I also bought some oem Audi r8 coil packs from awesome gti to compliment the evoms bits but I have discovered they are not the genuine Audi ones so will be up for sale and I'll order the others. Also plan to clean this area as well when I get the chance.

I've been busy collecting bits to upgrade my headunit. I decided that I didn't want a sat nav unit so went for the rcd 510 dab.

Genuine rcd510 dab
Genuine polo aerial and base
New gateway for battery drain
Dab cable and fm/am connectors

More to follow

Offline Mitch H

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Re: Oem + steely
« Reply #50 on: August 19, 2015, 11:05:44 pm »
How much is the evoms heat shield? I must of been tight when I ordered my cai months ago. Wish I got one now looks good  :happy2:

Offline hlcst

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Re: Oem + steely
« Reply #51 on: August 20, 2015, 10:56:09 am »
Very nice mate, I've got the sonniboy blinds too and definitely worth the money :happy2:

Offline waj27

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Re: Oem + steely
« Reply #52 on: August 20, 2015, 12:28:33 pm »
Well Looked after and clean car :happy2:

Offline Washout

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Re: Oem + steely
« Reply #53 on: August 20, 2015, 08:52:32 pm »
How much is the evoms heat shield? I must of been tight when I ordered my cai months ago. Wish I got one now looks good  :happy2:

25 pounds from garage midnight matey, it finishes it off quite well and serves a purpose. Just need some m6 bolts for it so I can get rid of what's left of the original ones.  :signLOL:

Offline Washout

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Re: Oem + steely
« Reply #54 on: August 20, 2015, 08:54:38 pm »
Very nice mate, I've got the sonniboy blinds too and definitely worth the money :happy2:
Cheers matey, yeh the blinds are ace I was expecting not to be able to see through them at night but there perfect.

Well Looked after and clean car :happy2:

Cheers dude.  :happy2:

Offline Washout

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Re: Oem + steely
« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2015, 10:37:49 pm »
So the missus and kids were away for a long weekend. I took this as the opportunity to install the headunit bits I'd been collecting. I aimed to complete the retrofit in a day but I decided to book the Monday of work in case I broke the car somehow. :signLOL:

I bought the rcd 510 dab second hand and although the screen was perfect the piano black surround had some scratch's around the knobs from nails at a guess. On a hunch I ordered from the O2 store some displex polish for mobile phone screens. The night before the retrofit I polished the piano black areas with displex applied to cotton buds. Some of the scratch's were fairly deep but after a few applications I was really pleased with the results.

The day started wet and I started hungover, I had picked up all the essential kit I needed leading up to the retrofit. The most critical being some decent trim removal tools. I would have been lost without these they are that good, caused no damage/scratches to any trim pieces and can really handle the force you have to put behind them.

This was the last time my car would be whole again for the next few hours.

First job disconnect the battery first as a safety measure, don't forget to open your boot first as I did. Nothing left but to dive in, I followed various guides, if anyone needs any help with routing give me a shout and I will put the guides on here.

Headunit removed, clocks removed and trim down drivers sides for dab cable routing.

When I looked at the bits on the table I did start to worry. I have to confess I did break a piece of trim when getting access to replace the aerial, man was I pissed off. This will be replaced next month along with the airbag badge from c pillar.

When peeps say this is a bitch do do there not lying, you have to drop the headlining and have to be mega careful not to crease it. It's really fiddly, with not a lot of room to work on removing the nut to aerial base. The nuts massive which doesn't help as you need a huge socket or spanner.

Removed old base I grabbed the new dab base (it has different connections to the standard one, black for dab) and replaced.

Huh looks the same.  :signLOL:

Headunit installed the dab cable was routed behind the clocks along drivers sill and up the c pillar to the headlining. Many airbags in the car hiding behind trim.

Easy part next put it back together, whilst I had the trim of I replaced the gateway with a newer pre coded version which was probably the easiest part.  :signLOL:

By Jove it only bloody works.

When everything was back together I did have a number of fault codes, upon scanning and on the dash. Dash faults were cleared in usual way steering left to right driving forwards etc. codes found by vcds were cleared. Planning on scanning again this weekend to check there has been no reoccurrence of these. These are more than likely related to the gateway change as opposed radio installation many thanks to the guys who answered my urgent pleas for help.

A few close ups of polished piano black fascia, scratch free.

Love it when people who are supposed to be helping sit in your car programming Christian radio stations into you new headunit.

Having changed the aerial I spent a lot of time crawling around the boot, I realised that the dark brown colour in the boot carpet was not oem and was in fact red animal fur. I can only hazard a guess the previous owner ran some sort or fox/animal rescue buisness and used the gti and its boot as an emergency vehicle.

It was everywhere apart from the floor which had mercifully been lined.

It wouldn't Hoover so hopping on the Internet I found this handy tip, it works best with the yellow marigolds, didn't have them so raided the first aid kit for latex gloves. With gloves on you can rub the fur into balls and then out of the carpet, simply Hoover these up, looks a lot better now. Will give it another going over then a shampoo, wierdly there has never been any smell of dogs which you would expect with this amount of fur.

The whole interior had a good going over after this and came up lovely. It left the outside feeling neglected so was only right she had a little wash.

Sorry. And favourite.