Hi all,
New GTi owner (57 plate).....had it for a month so far and love it, already had the common intercooler pipe oil leak which I solved cheaply with a new o-ring!
My next issue that has cropped up is it's got an odd vibration that appears at around 50-55mph and then goes away above 55, and comes back between 60-75mph and then goes away above this speed. The vibration isn't violent, just annoying, and seems to pulsate. I've already swapped the wheels around, and initially I thought the vibration moved from the front (where it seemed to be originally) to more toward the back, but it's hard to tell and sometimes seems to be coming from the front still!
From my various googling the most likely cause seems to be wheel balance or a dodgy tyre, just checking there isn't a common VW Golf-ism that causes this...
Any tips/suggestions appreciated!