Some may know me well enough to know I'm not a huge fan of CF. Hence if GruppeM did a non-CF version, I'd be considering it up along with the other CAIs.
I can't help but feel the CF is more for the eye-candy than function.
Only time I'd touch it would be for genuine weight saving purposes e.g. a bonnet (a proper VWRacing one, not a skinned GRP one) and even then I'd paint it!
And I'm with Mike, if you want shield against heat soak stick to Gold.
Carbon fibre is bonded with polymer based resin - Carbon-fibre reinforced plastic. Thermal conductivity of plastic (ABS,PolyProp et al) and CF are pretty close (we're talking 10ths per unit of thermal conductivity). So no real advantage. The carbon fibres are actually pretty good conductors in the own right, which is why graphite fishing rods and over-head power lines aren't a good combination.
In terms of thermal radiation, black is also the worst colour. What colour is CF? A gloss clear-coat might help a tad but you'll never beat a proper shiny metallic finish for decent insulation against radiation.
And isn't the same true of the Carbonio? I've always wondered why they don't offer a plastic version of that. Like T_D says, you have youre every-day high volume product that costs little but sells in high volume, then you have high value low volume flagship. If VW only made the R32 or Ford the RS, they wouldn't be in business very long. Infact, the Mk1 RS was sold at a loss!
Just my 5 penneth worth - I like
function over form. As Robin says, each to their own. It's your money. The GruppeM sounds insane on the M3, if you can afford it - why not?
While we're on the subject of aesthetics - why-oh-why is the WALK kit anodised in GOLD?!

Mine is going to get power-coated in black!