Sorry I have lots of questions but didn't know whether to start a new thread or join this one.
1) Someone said the speaker pods you buy need trimming down. Where and how much?
2) If I were to keep the standard head unit (i believe RNS500) I read somewhere on here as you turn the volume up the bass is reduced. Can you turn this off and how?
3) If I chose to put some sound deadening in is it best to do a) behind the speaker (so outside of the door); b) around the speaker and or c) the back of the door panel?
4) Currently have the standard 3 ways in. How much do I need to spend to get better speakers? I have the old equivalent of the 6.5" JL TR650Csi (but not CSIs) 2 way component. Whould this be an upgrade??
2) This is correct although I'm not sure exactly how much it reduces it. You can't just turn it off or reprogram it.
2 options.
1: Go for an after market headunit. You can get some good direct replacement ones by kenwood that look pretty OEM and they will sound a lot better as their internal amp will be more powerful than the OEM head unit. Depending on the spec of the head unit you buy it will also give you bluetooth and sub pre out etc.
2: If you really want to keep the 100% OEM look get an Audison Bit ten digital sound processor. This is what I've done personally as I wanted to keep my RCD510DAB. that said the RCD510DAB already has a better internal amp than the older generation RNS500 you have, plus by the time you've bought the Audison Bit ten (approx £200-£300 depending if you buy new or from eBay) plus then you will need to amplify that set up (Another £300+ plus all the wiring) you might be better just going for the kenwood head unit. Just plug and play and you don't necessarily NEED to use another amplifier.. unless your going for big power.
3) For sound deadening you want to do any large thin metal surface and anything that rattles when you hit it.
This is a pic for instance of the door of my van which I've just done.

That was 3 sheets of silent coat 2mm damping mat.
I then covered the back of the door card with 5mm dodo liner closed cell foam which is a noise barrier and also helps prevent any little rattles on the door card. On my golf door card I actually used a bit more of the silent coat damping matt first as there were a few rattles from bits on the back of the door then i used 9mm noise barrier on the golf.

3) The reason the golf is 3 way is because the 165mm woofer is in a terrible location down my your hip. Sound should come from in front of you (A reason why I advise people not to bother upgrading and amplifying their rear speakers). So the golf has a mid and a tweeter up infront of you seating position. I've not heard a 2 way set up in a mk5 golf but if you have the right cross over frequencies so its still sending vocals to the tweeter then it might sound ok.
All of this said.. the standard speakers are not that bad and personally they would be the last place I'd start if I were trying to improve the sound... unless they are blown already in which case changing them for working speakers will make a difference
I'd spend the money on the head unit first. That will make the biggest difference. If you then find the standard speaker are struggling to cope with the extra power (they won't, the new head unit will put out approx 50w per channel so they will be fine) then upgrade the speakers.