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Author Topic: Edition 30 Values?  (Read 10397 times)

Offline Morgen

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  • 2008 DSG Edition 30
Re: Edition 30 Values?
« Reply #30 on: February 13, 2015, 05:04:05 pm »

Then hard to believe it is i guess lol.. Fully comp under my own name. My mum & dad are named drivers..

I don't believe the price of your insurance either - It would be good information to share on this forum as to how it is so low , what company you are with etc .
My daughter is 25 in May - Her best quote for a ED30 with both me and my wife on Insurance and 5 yrs NCD is £600

Don't believe me if you like haha, at the end of the day I'm the one that's not having to pay out a fortune which is why I actually have an ed30 at my age haha.. I don't know why I'd lie about what I pay out? Surely I'd be saying it was more so I look like I'm loaded :P

I'm with Bell - they do a 3 month plug & play thing.. I've still driven the car how it should be driven though as there are no curfews and they can't put the premium up (only reduce it if I'd driven well)
Fully comp, excess is quite high.. I'm in a glasgow postcode. I also own another car (puts insurance down), have it parked on the street too which is cheaper and only cover 5k miles a year. I also put the value of the car up to 11k rather than the 10k i bought it for, that dropped my premium by a massive £200 somehow. I also insured the car in November - I bought it in August. The longer you've owned a certain car the cheaper your insurance will be on that car in specific. It's all to do with statistics etc etc.

As long as you keep your car standard as Bell don't insure modified motors ;-)

Of course!

Offline Trunkstuff

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Re: Edition 30 Values?
« Reply #31 on: February 13, 2015, 08:45:06 pm »
I just traded mine in for 9k, its now up for sale for 11. 60,000 miles and stage 2.

Offline HallED30

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Re: Edition 30 Values?
« Reply #32 on: February 14, 2015, 02:47:44 am »

Then hard to believe it is i guess lol.. Fully comp under my own name. My mum & dad are named drivers..

I don't believe the price of your insurance either - It would be good information to share on this forum as to how it is so low , what company you are with etc .
My daughter is 25 in May - Her best quote for a ED30 with both me and my wife on Insurance and 5 yrs NCD is £600

Don't believe me if you like haha, at the end of the day I'm the one that's not having to pay out a fortune which is why I actually have an ed30 at my age haha.. I don't know why I'd lie about what I pay out? Surely I'd be saying it was more so I look like I'm loaded :P

I'm with Bell - they do a 3 month plug & play thing.. I've still driven the car how it should be driven though as there are no curfews and they can't put the premium up (only reduce it if I'd driven well)
Fully comp, excess is quite high.. I'm in a glasgow postcode. I also own another car (puts insurance down), have it parked on the street too which is cheaper and only cover 5k miles a year. I also put the value of the car up to 11k rather than the 10k i bought it for, that dropped my premium by a massive £200 somehow. I also insured the car in November - I bought it in August. The longer you've owned a certain car the cheaper your insurance will be on that car in specific. It's all to do with statistics etc etc.

As long as you keep your car standard as Bell don't insure modified motors ;-)

Of course!

I'm 19 with an ED30  as well with around about the same insurance too...

Offline Whitexed30

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Re: Edition 30 Values?
« Reply #33 on: February 14, 2015, 11:33:16 am »
Then hard to believe it is i guess lol.. Fully comp under my own name. My mum & dad are named drivers..

I don't believe the price of your insurance either - It would be good information to share on this forum as to how it is so low , what company you are with etc .
My daughter is 25 in May - Her best quote for a ED30 with both me and my wife on Insurance and 5 yrs NCD is £600

+1 glad mine is only 200 a year or id be pissed with 10 years no claims..

Offline oHUTCHYo

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Re: Edition 30 Values?
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2015, 02:41:00 pm »
As someone in the market for an ED30, the prices seem all over, especially in such a slow market. Took me some patience to sell my 2007 S3

Offline MK1Campaign

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Re: Edition 30 Values?
« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2015, 05:34:54 pm »
As someone in the market for an ED30, the prices seem all over, especially in such a slow market. Took me some patience to sell my 2007 S3

Some people are on another planet. £8500 with 100k miles. Not a chance

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Re: Edition 30 Values?
« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2015, 05:39:51 pm »
I know mine isnt an Edition 30 but still the spec was high - Heated Leather Wingbacks, Manual, Highline, MFSW, Xenons, 3 Door, Candy White, 18 Monzas - all with one owner and FSH
Never been crashed or abused all for £3750! Although the mileage is as high as the spec now knocking on 170,000 but still tight as drum and running sweet

Some of the prices asked are excessive compared to my bargain but if you look carefully they are out there

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Offline chigmuss

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Re: Edition 30 Values?
« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2015, 08:31:01 pm »
@stuf, man that's a great buy. I'm sure it hasn't passed you by that the part value of your seats and lights probably mean you got the rest of the car for free. Back on topic ....I don't see ed30s dropping much past 6k unless accident damaged. I remember many years ago Golf Rallyes could be found at less than 5k....and now?

Offline Trunkstuff

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Re: Edition 30 Values?
« Reply #38 on: February 15, 2015, 08:45:54 pm »
My old one is for sale in milton keynes, Absolutly mint car 335bhp R-tech.