As I mentioned above, the stock settings should be fine. If it's a Hunter Alignment machine then it'll have an acceptable range that each setting has to fall within. I've got those ranges if you want them as mine was aligned yesterday. 
I just rang the place up and the manager said that if the car has been lowered than the original settings has been changed, therefore the original specs won't work :(
You've not lowered it much so you still need to aim for the factory settings range. What becomes an issue is when you slam it and it's so low that you run out of adjustability on the OEM parts and have to start adding camber plates etc.
I tried asking if they can do anything, but the guy is saying that I need they specs in order for them to do it.
Ill try asking back on the oc since I am home now.
Its a real shame that the forum dont work on my phone, keeps saying error when I load the damn page :(