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Bluefin stopping a Kufatec Basic+ functioning


Hi, just installed a Bluefin map and I've now noticed that the Fiscon Basic+ has lost most of its functionality. I can't connect via Bluetooth as this option has disappeared. The basic+ is now worthless.
Anyone experienced similar issues?

Hate to bring old posts back from the dead... buttttt... any updates on this?  :smiley:

Wolf Burger:
Not sure if this helps at all but after having some work done on my car which involved having the battery off, my Kufatec lost pretty much all of its connections.
Lost the ability to answer the phone and also the display on the dashboard disappeared.

VW basically disconnected the Kufatec bluetooth kit and started the engine.
Then turned the engine off. Reconnected the kit turned the engine on and everything reappeared.

Worth a try 


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