hi andrew,
you are correct , you can replace the original with the parts you suggested

i would however urge some caution (or at the very least some forum reading) on this product, especially the VTA spacer.
I'm not saying dont, just have a read on forums. Some have reported running issues.
The TFSI system was really designed to recirculate the air so Id suggest you keep it that way.
Opinion is divided but many swear by the Forge item , other prefer an OE VW solution.
Id suggest fitting REVO stg 1 first and make sure the cars running well THEN fitting the forge if you want to.
there is also redesigned valve from VW which you can fit as an alternative
(as when you go REVO you may find the increased boost levels damage your original valve anyway)
(fwiw my stage1 apr is still running the original valve for nearly 20k...)
as an alternative you may want to consider keeping the air recirculating but get a similar noise by fitting a new intake.
not quite the same but avoids any possible 'issues' : ITG or Forge twintake are good choices.
plus an exhaust maybe?
all my opinion