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Author Topic: Door sticking  (Read 2937 times)


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Door sticking
« on: February 10, 2015, 01:33:08 pm »

After reading up on the posts on how to replace the door lock module, I successfully replaced the faulty lock module with one I bought from ebay that was new from Germany (not original)

The door lock module is now working, locking and unlocking.

However, since replacing the module I have noticed that the door sticks and needs a push when trying to open (when sitting inside). Opening the door on the outside you don't notice the door sticking, but when pulling the handle from the inside - the door unlocks but needs a nudge to open. This does not happen to the other doors, just the one I replaced the lock module on.

I first thought it was the clip for the cable on the door handle was not pulling enough, so I adjusted the cable to it highest grove in the door handle - still same issue.

Any ideas what it can be? and what to do to fix?

Offline andybon

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Re: Door sticking
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2015, 01:37:43 pm »
Is the cable fouling on anything in the door?
How hard can it be?


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Re: Door sticking
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2015, 01:46:00 pm »
Is the cable fouling on anything in the door?

Don't think so, but will need to take the door skin off to tell

Cant feel anything when pulling the door handle from inside - cant feel any snags

Offline lukemk5gti

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Re: Door sticking
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2015, 08:44:46 am »
Same thing happened to me and I was advised that I hadn't connected that wire back into the right notch. As I did play with this wire in several spots I said it couldn't be but then 2 weeks later I gave it another go and it worked!

It may be a pain but there's maybe 20 or 30 notches for that cable.

Get someone to sit inside the car while you test every single one!

You may have put the cable back in the same spot it was originally (like me) but in my case I actually had to move it back 5 or 6 notches to get it to work after replacing the lock module.


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Re: Door sticking
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2015, 09:12:00 am »
Same thing happened to me and I was advised that I hadn't connected that wire back into the right notch. As I did play with this wire in several spots I said it couldn't be but then 2 weeks later I gave it another go and it worked!

It may be a pain but there's maybe 20 or 30 notches for that cable.

Get someone to sit inside the car while you test every single one!

You may have put the cable back in the same spot it was originally (like me) but in my case I actually had to move it back 5 or 6 notches to get it to work after replacing the lock module.

Hmmm... trouble is I never took note of where it was originally

Its going to be a day of trial an error.

At least I can get to it quite easily, and if this is what the issue is at least I know the fix.

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Re: Door sticking
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2015, 11:52:42 am »
Honestly, do it tonight with a buddy and you'll be at it max 20mins!

Start at the farthest notch and work your way in, opening and closing with each adjustment!


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Re: Door sticking
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2015, 03:29:03 pm »
Had a day of trying to fix the sticky door

As advised I tried playing around with different positions for the cable in the handle, but made no difference.

When by chance I noticed that when I open the rear door, the front passenger door no longer sticks.
It opens with no sticking but as soon as I close the rear door the door sticks again when trying to open!

Had a look at the rubber seals in the door pillar, but cannot find anything wrong. Gave it a clean but still same issue.

Any thoughts? 

Offline doylebros

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Re: Door sticking
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2015, 07:40:24 pm »
This is possibly a wiring problem within the rear door banjo or a wrong module!

Do further testes but use a screwdriver to set the latch to a closed position - Test in various open positions and see what effects this has on the front door.