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Autosport 2010
ive seen the show before RR...and just couldn't be arsed waiting for a gap amongst the masses of people to take a pic of a car that i've seen somewhere before...or the girls
still it didn't stop plenty of pervs doing just that! :signLOL:
Actually, in spite of being an old perv, I'm the same - I've seen it all before.
Was the show very crowded then? (I've never been to this show).
i went first thing this morning..and to be honest it didn't feel or seem as busy as previous years.
the live action arena was not full at 9.30am (not surprised) so despite being allocated right behind a big phat f'ing pillar, i got up and moved to the bit in the middle that was empty with better view of the action!
VBH trying to powerslide a 911....dear oh dear. utter utter failure.
But i've seen it all before so nothing new in there to surprise me really. 40-50 mins of various forms of motorsports running around. Was kinda funny seeing the flame flowing FPA cars "sliding" their way round the course on opposite lock. don't think the cars were designed to do that!
and the show itself...chatted to Kenny on AmD stand about their new BTCC Golf. Saw a mate from CGTI. Other than that...same old show with maybe less trade stands than normal. Had a good nose at the VWR brake kit tho...massive!
--- Quote from: chungster on January 16, 2010, 05:14:49 pm ---well i went, and came back! Didn't take any pics as didn't take the camera on purpose.
But OMG you should see one of the Legs11 (strip club) girls on the stand near AP Racing. mahoosive air bags!
Shocked at how many people were taking pics of the girls rather than the cars :signLOL: (as if)
So the VWR brakes are made by Caparo AP (people behind the Caparo T1)
But are they a totally different company to AP Racing then?
--- End quote ---
see here for info on the brakes
caparo had my car for a few days during the design of these brakes and are a very nice bunch of guys
and this is the company
glad u liked them :laugh:
Well , we "met" Dom and Hedge on the M40 :happy2:
Bought my new Helmet for Karting and some Gloves, that was about it really.
Didn't seem as big as last year, was it as many halls?
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