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Ultimate Dubs 2010
I had a great couple of days and although no one car stood out for me I did appreciate the work that had gone into a lot of the cars there! :happy2:
Del, great to meet you fella and thanks for the sit in as the detail and workmanship was out of this world and if I can ever tie Luke down I'd love him to work his magic on my Recaros! :happy2:
Was also great to see your enthusiasm for the scene, very refreshing and made me open my eyes a bit to what was around me as you can begin to take it all for granted! :happy2:
Will try and get the few pics I took up later!
PS great night at the Park Inn again lads! :grin: :drinking:
good to see a few familiar faces yesterday, shame i missed TC PG and UK ;) lol
From the Pics ive seen there doesn't appear to be much OEM+ going on from the newer cars, I didn't go to the show but that is just my impression.
Im looking forward to Spring Fest however :happy2:
i had a great time on the night before, but on the whole found the show to be disappointing. T'was me first show too. I like OEM/OEM+.
Stretched look is not for me. But i did like the quality of some of the trimming on show was just :drool:.
the night out was enough of a reason to pop up.
For info, My car binned the code for the RNS, so I had to travel 280 miles listening to F'all. until I tried a 2nd reset of the system about 7 miles from home, and all worked again - :fighting: :fighting2: :fighting2: :fighting2:
slept well last night after MrP kept me awake warning those ships! :mad: :drinking:
Nice to see a few of you yesterday.
The car I was most interested in was the blue 4-mo Bora track car tucked away on the Dodo Juice stand, had a long chat with the owner and a good look around. Superb build.... but then I guess I'm weird like that.
Show cars I'm not really that fussed about, unless there's some good craftsmanship in there, and I have to say that chalk blue trim was beautiful. Simon's MKII on the C-GTI stand was lovely too... can't think of much else I stopped and looked hard at.
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