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Ultimate Dubs 2010

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--- Quote from: tony_danza on March 15, 2010, 10:51:14 am ---You've only just noticed that's how it works, Joe?

Full of scenesters with jaunty hats and busted haircuts - I'd have been p*ssed if I'd have paid to get in.

--- End quote ---

i dont wear hats and have no hair  :P



 :sick: :sick: :sick:

Yeah I had an good time, though it did seem to be missing something and although there were a ton of cars there there weren't many that completely blew me away; I enjoyed the drive down though  :rolleye:

It was good to put a few faces to usernames as well, though I did see quite a few of you so if I see you again I'm not ignoring you I just can't remember!!  :laugh:

I might put up some pics later, I didn't get that many as I wasn't really in a picture taking mood and I ran out of battery half way through, though I got most of the cars from this forum :happy2: But now I've somehow lost my memory card so I'm a bit pissed off!  :fighting:

Vick N:

--- Quote from: joesgti on March 15, 2010, 10:47:16 am ---so why wouldnt they let us in but theyl let a bunch of beetles in, im sure people would prefere to look at shiney mk5's rather than those. There was also candy turbo's old ed30 in there, why? its completly standard except some brembo stickers  :signLOL:

just shows its who you know rather than what, or even what your car looks like!  :sad1:

--- End quote ---

Because I didn't want to leave it parked outside, that's why   :grin: :P Plus being a mk5 owner yourself, you might of realised it was not completely standard either... Oh and... Stickers came on the car when I bought it too  :happy2:

Vick.  :grin:

wasnt having a dig mate, i just couldnt see the point, it had enough room on its own for about 3 cars!


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