WE ARE RUNNING A COMPETITIONThe competition is to design a new forum sticker. All entries submitted on this thread with then go into a voting thread where you can all vote for you favourite design/s.
There are only 3 rules.
~ It cannot contain any more than 3 colours.
~ It must contain reference to the forum name or website URL (MK5 Golf GTI... or
~ It must be suitable for use at no more than 200mm on the longest side (or 200mm x 200mm if square or round design)
You have until the
31st of October to submit your designs. There will be a 1 week voting period commencing ~1st November, the 2/3 designs with the highest number of votes will win.
PrizesThe prize will be a free sticker (the one you designed) and a free 2015 MK5 Golf GTI forum calendar donated by the forum.
To start with we will limit stickers production to 10 of each design to give them exclusivity. Stickers will be sold (price TBC) and all profit will go towards the ongoing server cost.
Get cracking!

Current designs to give you some ideas