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Author Topic: A question about transmission sound....  (Read 2823 times)

Offline RedRobin

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A question about transmission sound....
« on: April 25, 2010, 03:31:34 pm »

Since my VWR engine mounts (all 3) have been fitted I've obviously been able to hear, and in my case very much enjoy, various sounds transmitted from my Mk5 GTI's engine bay. The main additional sound has been the glorious Grrrrrr under hard throttle which I'm always enthusing about.

The addition of my Forge Twintake has contributed to the rest of the harmonious concerto. But because the Twintake sounds relatively subtle (according to how sudden you are with your right foot) I think that I have been listening more attentively and consciously. As a result I'm hearing higher pitched 'whirring' sounds which rise and fall with the throttle. My car is DSG (Revo remapped box of tricks). I've driven both a DSG road-legal track car (now competing in the VW Cup) and VWR's demo GTI which is manual. Both had this sound and I heard it again in most of the BTCC race cars on ITV4 today when on the onboard camera. It is much more pronounced/louder in race cars.

I reckon in mine it's transmission or transmission related. At first I thought it might be a problem but a couple of thousand miles plus a trackday at Noodleburgering have not shown any problem whatsoever, so I'm inclined to think it's all fine. The guys at VWR think it's fine but I don't think their ears hear anything else anymore!

Me being me, I love the sound but would like the peace of mind knowing it's not the start of a problem. Btw, I also run a Quaife ATB diff inside the DSG box.

Any input appreciated - Thanks  :drinking: 

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Offline Hurdy

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Re: A question about transmission sound....
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2010, 10:32:24 pm »
Mine has a similar noise and I too noticed that the BTCC cars have it. Personally I'm not worried at all. It is just a symptom of being cossetted by modern cars, so hearing the REAL sounds from an engine and transmission can be rather alien to us, to the point where we wonder if the car is going wrong!
Golf R gone.

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Re: A question about transmission sound....
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2010, 10:43:01 pm »
Mine has a similar noise and I too noticed that the BTCC cars have it. Personally I'm not worried at all. It is just a symptom of being cossetted by modern cars, so hearing the REAL sounds from an engine and transmission can be rather alien to us, to the point where we wonder if the car is going wrong!

exactly that ^^^

so much is defined on a modern car by its refinement. Road noise, tyre noise, exhaust and engine noise are deleted as best possible from the cabin by the manufacturer to maintain a quiet cockpit and driving environment for the user

when you start to fettle with that balance, noises that were either to quiet to hear and have now been amplified by modification, or now enhanced to perform with a more aggressive nature with comfort no longer at the forefront then the noises will indeed sound alien.

if you took a standard car and stripped it of every item designed for comfort and sound deadening you would hear all manner of noises that would otherwise go totally undetected.

on a similar note, when you start to go really hardcore its not the noises that get you its the smells. ive owned some monsters in my time and the sensation of fear as the "is that petrol i can smell?" or the "that smells like burning oil!" moments happen are nerve racking to begin with.

just listen to your car, when things sound bad, they usually are as they have that shrink into your seat sound that you know is gunna cost hundreds. everything else is merely the car. that simple  :innocent:

Offline RedRobin

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Re: A question about transmission sound....
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2010, 11:56:06 pm »
Cheers Hurdy & VC  :drinking:

That's exactly as I suspected and also what I wanted/hoped to have confirmed. Mine is at a very comfortable sound level and also the plus side of hearing such things is that you can more easily recognise differences which might indicate something needing attention.

Smells, you say VC.. Hmm.. Hot oil, eh?

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Offline Truckie

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Re: A question about transmission sound....
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2010, 08:42:08 am »
The whining/whirring you can hear is the diff. In the btcc, you will notice the noise getting higher pitch the quciker the car goes, its whining and crunching you hear in the porsche cup cars ie, agressive diff/quite grabby, under harsh cornering or acceleration.  :happy2:

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Re: A question about transmission sound....
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2010, 08:48:28 am »
Thanks Truckie  :drinking: - Always good to know exactly what something is. Mine does exactly that: Becomes faster rhythm and higher pitched with use of the loud pedal - I love it!!

I'm realising that I'm just a 63yo boy-racer at heart who has fantasies about being a racing driver. But you guys already knew that didn't you. Oh, I suffer from Babe fantasies as well.

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Re: A question about transmission sound....
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2010, 11:37:22 am »
s'all healthy dude  :smiley: :pomppomp:

Offline Truckie

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Re: A question about transmission sound....
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2010, 11:43:31 am »
Haha, age does not affect boy racers! In the btcc, its also straight cut gears.

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Re: A question about transmission sound....
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2010, 09:59:32 pm »
Thanks Truckie  :drinking: - Always good to know exactly what something is. Mine does exactly that: Becomes faster rhythm and higher pitched with use of the loud pedal - I love it!!

I'm realising that I'm just a 63yo boy-racer at heart who has fantasies about being a racing driver. But you guys already knew that didn't you. Oh, I suffer from Babe fantasies as well.

Nothing wrong with that!! When I am 63 I want to be in the same boat! :D