Yup 99% sure he's a detailer, me too
. Any wax can be used on wheels but the wheel specific ones are normally better at handling the higher temps that the wheels have to deal with.
If your going to take the time to remove and clean the wheels properly then I would suggest a ceramic coating Gtechniq C5 is the best. The only reason K9 can't use ceramic is because on polished finishes it can dull the finish and leave it smeary so using a wax is a safer bet.
I try to be lol
As Dan says, some wheel specific waxes are better - that being said everyone goes for Poorboys and it's CRAP.
FK1000p is probably going to be your best bet for the money. Very cheap.
However as Dan says - a ceramic coating would be best for durability and protection.
Gtechniq C1/2(?)/5 , same product I believe but all do a good job
I am sided towards Car Pro stuff of course but it's fairly similar at the end of the day. I will be putting CQUK on my new wheels.
I would have gone for DLUX but we don't have enough spare for me to use "willy nilly" haha
I did use CQUK on my polished lip and Merc faces and it didn't cloud them... although I was very very careful to ensure that I would in effect wipe them without any dirt coming up on a cloth as any metal polishing is a dirty business.... so after polishing they were wiped down many timest with Eraser

For whatever reason the image is buggered but you get the idea.

I have found that using some waxes can dull the finish... I found this happened with Collinite 476s unless you buffed it off exactly at the right time..

Either way, plenty of stuff on Elite's website if you wanted something :)