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BSH Engine Mounts Review Update 2/12/09 page 3

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If you tried to rebuild VF mounts with BSH components, your motor will sit funny  :laugh: They might have similar appearences, but the similarity stops there.

What does ETTO mean?

^^^ ETTO = Each to their own  :happy2:

That makes sense. Id say TETO... but that looks funny.  :rolleye:


--- Quote from: Phil@BSH on December 31, 2009, 07:00:53 pm ---If you tried to rebuild VF mounts with BSH components, your motor will sit funny  :laugh: They might have similar appearences, but the similarity stops there.

What does ETTO mean?

--- End quote ---

What are the differences Phil?

Do they use a softer or harder compound than the VF ones?

afaik the BSH ones are a tad harder compound than the VFs...


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