^ Cheers Ollie.
Well I finally finished my MDI install to the USB port in the arm rest today.
Fuming tbh
After taking all the care and consideration to not scratch or dent anything, I've ended up with a scratched RNS-510 screen and dented + scratched climate control unit. This is the second replacement one too, as I scratched the first in EXACTLY the same way - £130 to waste it seems... Oh and 3/4 broken clips on various plastic bits. Everything went back in happily so I have no idea where they came from

This is all despite using a tea towel to protect the climate control fascia and also to rest the RNS-510 on.
Doesn't help that my drive way is quite steeply sloped but even so, I have to work with what I've got. I'm also not exactly an expert on this kind of stuff, but with various guidance and FAQS and on second attempt today, it didn't really go smoothly.
I even wore some surgical style gloves cause after attempting it yesterday, as I cut my hands in about 8 places. The cold didn't help but it felt facking raw out there despite the sun.
All in all, anyone planning on retrofitting the MDI to the Arm rest setup, prepare for frustration and some very tight spots. Don't expect it to be clean and easy